Leo Varadkar

Varadkar destroyed by Paddy Cosgrave. He will never live it down.


I know why Paddy Cosgrave is all over this - he was made look like a fool by Dr Matt earlier this summer and his ego is just too big.

Has anyone figured out Chad Bowe’s motivation though? He was happy enough having the banter with Dr Matt and the NAGP a year ago so he’s no woke warrior. What’s his angle?

In April that year, businessman Mr Chay Bowes delivered a report to NAGP directors and council members into financial governance and operations. The contents of the report, former NAGP members would later reveal, left them aghast.

Mr Bowes reported several cash drawings associated with Mr Goodey, beyond his annual salary of €120,000. Mr Goodey strenuously denied any impropriety and claimed all expenses were related to legitimate NAGP business.

The Bowes report outlined that €250,000 in membership fees were owed in 2019, but added that because of poor financial practices at the Association, it was unclear whether this figure was accurate.

The report’s revelations drew negative media coverage and shock from the NAGP council members and the general membership. On Sunday April 28, 2019 came an announcement that the entire national council had resigned, including then NAGP President Dr MaitiĂș Ó Tuathail amid serious concerns about internal governance.


Who looks a fool now?

When you come at The King you best not miss.

Paddy has ended Matthew O’Toole.

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I saw that but my understanding is that he was draft in to look at that issue. Some of the text messages even refer to the “chris situation” or similar. Is he pissed off that they all resigned and the thing imploded?

So the NAGP chaps were hammering the funds and the whole house of cards fell down by the looks of it. Wonder is there any investigation into that? Would be interesting if there was.

Paddy’s Ego has approved this (sychophantic) message.

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It was reported at the time quite extensively I think. A lot was pinned on the CEO mentioned above rather than the committee. Ironically, I think the NAGP was set up after financial shenanigans at the IMO

He has to go lads

Any chance your missus was in this organisation? We could do with the POV of a member or two for the sort of balanced discussion we like to engage in here.

Paddy had the last laugh here.

He has taken out Matthew O’Toole good and proper and is now gunning for Varadkar.

He’s coming to get you, Leo.

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I actually have no idea if she was in either organisation! I’d say unless she had to join, the way you have to join a union in some workplaces, that she didn’t. I must ask her.

She did say there was a view that the IMO is quite focussed on hospital doctors and consultants and as a result they mightn’t fight the hardest fight for GP’s with the DoH. I think that was part of the environment in which the NAGP started.

What was the HSE / Dept Health policy on negotiation with 2 bodies representing GPs ??

Inside info is maitiu is an attention seeking eejit.

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The NAGP is since dissolved is it? The inside info didn’t amount to much really so

Leo to give a statement at 6pm

I think so.

What kind of statement?

One with his new fashion shoes?

Leo survives. He got a black eye but that’s about it.

It’s just not an issue that had an resonance with anyone beyond twitter nerds and the permanently outraged, who despite what they may think actually make up a very small section of society. All the epidemiology experts were also suddenly official secrets act experts, along with being experts in the voting patterns of counties in the Rust belt. It was a very busy week for them.


It’s more that the media buried it.

It’s cronyism, clear as day but the mainstream media have got the government’s back.

It’s probably gotten more coverage in the UK media than golfgate.