Leo Varadkar

It’s been all over the media mate. People don’t care

Clever Leo timed his Mea Culpa superbly

You’re telling porkies now.

RTE refused to comment on the story until Vardkar released a statement 9/10 hrs after the story broke Saturday morning.

No opp rep was allowed challenge a gov rep on the allegations until 4 days later.

The Irish Times and RTE were released with information prior to the questioning on Tuesday and failed to report on it.

You’re either an idiot or just an establishment shill to be coming out with such nonsense. You had more coverage on an election race 4000 miles across the Atlantic than this. It’s unbelievable really.

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People that dislike Leo, and there are plenty of us care alright. It’s not politically expedient for Mehole to sack him. Therefore a damaged Leo survives. I’d say Mehole would be only delighted to throw him under the bus if he could.

He’d probably fall under it himself if he tried he’s that incompetent

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Where did you see that?

Interesting that Phil Hogan goes for a dinner in some hotel in Connemara along with Calleary and some others and both have to resign their positions. Varadkar leaks confidential information and displays cronyism in abusing his position of power to help his former buddy and it is brushed aside. The reason why Mehole Martin and Narcoleptic Ryan defended him is number 1 it would probably trigger a general election where both Fianna Fail and Greens would have been in a precarious position expecially with Roderic o Gorman, Stephen Donnelly and Norma Foley not being flavours of the month lately. You could say Fine Gael would have had some reputation damage too for Varadkar Shenanigans but in reality the ordinary voter doesn’t even bother to waste time and energy to explore who said what and when. 2 they are flying so high that even if it did hurt them in the polls it wouldn’t be significant. Its clearly accepted now that there is no harm in a bit of cronyism in Irish politics by the electorate. “Ah Shur lookit they are all at it” is the common refrain.

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You can understand the government having a vested interest here. They fall with this this.

But it’s the media that the spotlight should be shone upon, they tried to bury the story the minute it broke. 4 days before they gave the opposition a proper platform to question the government.

As I said on the politics forum the goverment have a 7 seat advantage and by my reckoning there is 5 ff tds who would love to stab Martin in the back. I’m sure there are others who want leo gone from all 3 parties. There is a very thin line in this government

If you were to put it to any sane person in another country and explain to them the circumstances of those 2 anecdotal instances of the Clifden dinner and Varadkars actions and you asked them who they thought lost their job or were forced to resign I’m sure they would pick Leo. It is absolute insanity in the membranity to suggest otherwise.

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Poor auld Paddy, he’s screaming into a vacuum. He got his ass spanked and this was his big moment.

With the Clifden thing by comparison you could nearly tell where you were or what you were doing when the story broke in 20 years time. Especially the Friday morning. There is no proper investigative journalism or quest for the truth really with RTE. Expecting them to understand the nuances of GP contracts and the tension between NAGP and IMO, home care acts etc. Its beyond them.


Both are big stories which were covered heavily in the media. Maybe the Village shouldn’t have released their information at the same time as the biggest worldwide news story in years if they wanted people to care more


Appears there will be no statement now. That was a bad statement by me.

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They’re still getting the hang of this ‘news story’ thing. Give them a break.

Your WhatsApp make automatic backups? Should be able to find any older messages if necessary , no?

The courtesy given to Varadkar, waiting a full day for a statement before they reported on it is unprecedented.

Waiting 4 days to allow an opp rep to challenge a gov rep on national media is unprecedented in a matter of this regard.

The media have completely abdicated their duty here.



That has to be turned on on iPhones anyway.