Leo Varadkar

I’m sure it’s already been discussed but Leo must be seriously damaged after this. You’d have to assume people working with him will find it hard to trust him with anything in future. Also any other leaks and he’s the main suspect.

People will never forget about what they were doing the day a bunch of priviliged posh boys wassaps were published


Paddy might have got about 300 quid on at most.

No but @codegreen harasses my friends in the bookies.

Paddy is incredibly needy. He must have gotten a hell of a spanking

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More like Paddy C and the Village aren’t very good at their timing, they might learn for the next time.

You’d have to admire his persistence as he tries to bombard people into giving a shit.

No his track record on this goes well beyond politicians, it’s more pathetic than that.

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Leo was saved by the US election. He’s been weakened.

When Leo really is Taosieach

I know your all over excited here over this whole incident but please refrain from making Paddy Cosgrove out to be some kind of hero.

He is the most odious cunt ever produced in this country.


If this is the best they have, it’s pretty pathetic.

Indeed, he wouldn’t do a tap to help the oddballs he has buddied up with.

Paddy is a great guy.

He is tackling cronyism and deserves commendation.

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I wouldn’t say pathetic. Leo still had to make a lengthy apology speech because of it and take questions from every other pleb in the Dail. I’d say he’d rather have done without it to be honest

What they had was a resigning offence, plain and simple.

The only pathetic thing about the whole affair is the mainstream media and their quest to bury the story and not carry out their duties.

Well actually what happened with Paddy was that he was in receipt of a lot of State money to get his conference off the ground.

He tried to engage in a bit of cronyism himself to get special privileges in Dublin and was rebuffed. He then took his ball and benefits from the dime of the Portuguese tax payer. I know of another Irish businessman who legged it to Portugal after doing well out of this country.

He is incredibly thinned skinned and a renowned bully. Not unlike another Irish businessman.


The story got more than a fair airing in the press and the DĂĄil. It was a ground ball to first base.

He called out his grandfather and the corrupt nature of FFG and the golden circle have made a pariah as a result.

For a fella who claims to have stopped watching RTÉ since May you seem very up to date on what was or wasn’t reported.

Do yourself a favour and relax.

Leo has been caught out badly but the bottom line is that this is normal practice in Ireland where negotiations are involved.
Those who think otherwise are either stupid or very sheltered individuals.

Regardless, Leo caught out so badly here he is fucked going forward.