Leo Varadkar

Nice to see the media rowing behind Leo questioning Bowes motives for coming forward rather than Leo’s motives for leaking


Think it’s more to do with the mainstream media burying a story of cronyism and corruption from the leader of the state.

I see what you’re trying to say there. I do.

Big Chay is probably getting a cut of William Hampton’s estate :eyes:

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FG are the party of white collar crime.

White collar crime is noble and gentlemanly

As Leo’s hero would say.

Crime is crime.

Leo is a criminal.

That’s up to a kangaroo court of posh boy peers to decide. Test his mettle with a game of soggy biscuit

Chay Guevara ???

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Sounds like Chay missed his slice of the party and is a bit aggrieved.

Convenient for avowed you wait after his CIH pitch to come forward.


Varadkar and Co
It’s time to go

NAGP were threatening to campaign against FG in elections. Varadkar’s actions were illegal and corrupt. He needs to go to jail for a long time.

Glad to see Aodhán’s still keeping close to the story.


You’d imagine a motion of no cofidence being proposed against the Tanaiste will be headline news…

I think that answers this matter. I imagine the motion will be withdrawn, along with an apology.

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You read that correctly.

Motion on no confidence just put forward against Varadkar.

RTE headline news:

US Presidential Race
Witness intimidation

You could not make it up

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