Leo Varadkar

More lies

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It’s almost like RTE are hiding it

More political posturing from SF IRA.

It’s been a bad week for @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Sounds scandalous, can you briefly explain why please, I haven’t been following Irish politics recently.

Headline news on RTE lunctime news was the US presidential election and witness intimidation in a concluded murder trial.

Good little RTE burying the story for the corrupt leader of The Blueshirs.

The latest retweet from RTÉ News, a story first broke by RTÉ’s political reporter Sandra Hurley

Burying indeed

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The lunchtime news led with two headline stories.

  • The US presidential election
  • Witness intimidation in a concluded murder trial

You mean the pre loaded lunchtime news that began minutes after this story was broken by RTÉ News themselves.

It’s now the second tier headline story on RTÉ, about where it should be.

Another swing and miss by yourself.


Wait, an RTE news reporter broke the story herself and the other lad is complaining about RTE’s lack of coverage? :laughing:

Pre loaded.

The story broke about 30 mins before going on air.

Why should a story revolving the the then head of state having a motion of no confidence proposed against him take second place to a presidential election 4000 miles across the Atlantic?

There’s no reason but the prerogative of RTE and the mainstream media is very, very clear.

That makes no sense. Another establishment shill out to defend the indefensible.


You’re a busted flush.

The head of State is the President. Now that you recognise the State you need to bone up on the details.

About 15 minutes after RTÉ themselves had reported it. It is one the major stories on their website right now. There are zero new revelations by the way, simply political posturing.

So yes, it comes a bit behind the election of the US President.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy. You are an ignorant bad mannered cunt.

It makes no sense that the story you read on here from Sandra Hurley, political reporter for RTÉ, wasn’t reported by RTÉ as you claimed? It sure doesn’t, but you’re a bit thick it seems.

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Fulvio - RTE have buried a story.

How do you know.

Fulvio - the story is on RTE. But it’s the third headline.



Stop with the excuses.

There is absolutely no logic that dictates how a presidential election 4000 miles across the Atlantic dictates more coverage in the Free State than the then Free State head of state facing a motion of no confidence in the face of allegations of corruption and law breaking. None, whatsoever.

hi har

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Deary me.