Leo Varadkar

Blueshirts - the party of unlawful activity and disorder.

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Using ā€œleakā€ is clearly pejorative.

Iā€™ve no idea of the level of confidentiality of the document. A watermark doesnā€™t really tell anything without context and further detailed info. So your use of the word ā€œconfidentialā€ really isnā€™t all that useful either.

You also didnā€™t use correct punctuation and Iā€™d prefer if you used capital letters at the start of your sentences.

It had ā€œconfidential and not for circulationā€ stamped across every single one of its pages.

Give it a go?


The Young Blueshirts are rattled, must be Trumpā€™s failure that has prompted it.

Just to help you out a bit hereā€™s information from the official secrets act

ā€œofficial informationā€ means any secret official code word or password, and any sketch, plan, model, article, note, document or information which is secret or confidential or is expressed to be either and which is or has been in the possession, custody or control of a holder of a public office, or to which he has or had access, by virtue of his office, and includes information recorded by film or magnetic tape or by any other recording medium

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Letā€™s just wait and see if the no confidence motion passes. Given Sinn Fein won the election they should be able to at least get this motion passed.


sweep sweep

Heā€™s got to go mate

Iā€™m not sure. If he cowers behind Mehole for another week he might survive. He just canā€™t afford to send Josepha out to bat for him again.

Heā€™s got to go

What about Sinn Fein?

Alan Kelly Alan Kelly Alan Kelly

did Leo leak to a rabid Shinner?

He has to go lads


Heā€™s done.

No mention yet of the vote of confidence on the Six One I see