Leo Varadkar

A screenshot is proof :laughing:

You do know screenshots can be edited and phone numbers can be edited to change the names?


A screenshot is proof. They had a named source and the screenshots are genuine, none of the accused parties have questioned their veracity.

Looks like @the_man_himself has gone back into hiding.



Screenshots are not proof mate. It is incredibly easy to edit a screenshot.

And RTE reported on them when Leo was questioned and didnā€™t deny them

The stupidity is strong in that fella

Youā€™re talking out of your hole again. Screenshots are proof, they are regularly used in courts of law - nevermind media, you docile fuckwit. Stop talking out your arse about things you donā€™t have the slightest clue about


So shut the fuck up talking absolutely ridiculous bollocks.

I think you have that worded incorrectly, they didnā€™t report on the story until 8/9 hours after Varadkarā€™s spin team released a statement. Youā€™ve self-defeated your argument here on the reasoning behind it.

Screenshots are not proof on their own mate. Screenshots can be edited incredibly easily. A screenshot which is taken for a court case will have been verified for accuracy before it gets to court.

I donā€™t follow RTE as much as you mate, I couldnā€™t tell you how many hours late they were. They have reported on the matter all week since

This is getting unseemly now

You have completely changed your tune now.

Screenshots are proof, simple as that so you should withdraw your previous comment saying they arenā€™t. They are routinely used in media and in court cases. What sort of two bit shop operation do you think RTE are. They are the state broadcasters with huge resources. Do you think theyā€™ve never had to investigate or verify a screenshot before? Just how fucking naive and stupid are you? Seriously?

See here is your fabled ignorance excuse, if you are now feigning ignorance then why the fuck are you on here defending and arguing something you are claiming complete ignorance about.

You are an absolute simpleton. Go jizz over Messi.

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Screenshot are absolutely not proof on their own. Anyone can edit a screenshot. They are used in court cases when the information has been verified as it is the easiest way to bring the information to court

Screenshots arenā€™t proof. Iā€™ve heard it wll now.

Listen youā€™ve changed your tune.

They are proof, you are now engaging in mental gymnastics to state otherwise but are too stupid to raise any sort of reasonable argument to back that up. A screenshot is evidence in its own, these were genuine screenshots from a named source but RTE failed to report on it.

Itā€™s unreal. Itā€™s up there with the most idiotic things youā€™ll ever read on here.


You said it mate


Oooft. Heā€™ll need to rebrand. Again.

You donā€™t learn that on the forklift I suppose

Maybe you should tell this judge she got it wrong you complete fruitcake.

Thisā€™ll drive the boys mad. Go easy ffs.

Apologies mate, can you confirm if you wrote this?