Leo Varadkar


On a regular basis, daily and weekly.

I’ll revert you back to the previous posts you ran away from.

Give me a few examples of when they’ve broke stories recently based on hearsay?

An RTÉ gem that crops up from time to time is “according to The Sun”.

Google “According to The Sun” site:rte.ie

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The last one is a report on a young lad they reported had died of Covid who actually had not. Did they check their sources there?

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The first and third were stories reported by other news outlets or a government body first. The Tony Connelly tweet was about something of little consequence

So was the Varadkar story. It was broken by the Village Magazine but RTE extended Varadkar the courtesy of responding to it via a statement before reporting.

You’re tying yourself in knots here. They either proof their sources or they don’t, you seem to be confused on the point you’re making (badly, I might add).

The Village is not a reputable source. Most people hadn’t heard of it before the weekend


So if The Village magazine is not a reputable source then RTE would never source from them? Right?

Every word you type makes you look like a bigger clown that you already are.

See my post above about them being burned by defamation in the past

So why do they use unnamed third hand sources in their reporting on a routine basis?

The Village is not a reputable source when they have not provided proof. When Leo admitted it was true they reported on it

Because it doesn’t matter for inconsequential stuff

They’ve been burned recently

That’s a complete and utter lie.

They provided proof (screenshots of text messages) from a named source (Chay Bowes) in their article. You’re just posting complete and utter bullshit here, it’s clear you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.

Not proof

It also doesn’t seem to matter to them for consequential stuff either.

You do know Paul Reynolds is still an RTE reporter?

It is proof you idiot.