Leo Varadkar

No harm posting this again, some work from deputy Doherty :grin:

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Iā€™m more an expert on US politics but I think itā€™s very hard to justify what Leo has done here. I know it probably happens a lot and theyā€™re all at it but if that didnā€™t work to get me off for doing 68 in a 60 zone it shouldnā€™t for Leo here.

Hang him, or whatever they do to these people

He has to go

You should have said it was not best practice for you to break the speed limit.

After watching those scenes from US streets today we need to consign the Trump tactics of Sinn Fein to the garbage can. Bombastic insulting politics of mock outrage has no place in this new world.

We need to heal.

Whaddya mean ā€œthese peopleā€

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People like Leo


At least the tories own up when they break the law

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Even the Tories find Posh Boy Varadkar an embarrassment.

I was talking to a lad I know today who would reckon himself be ā€˜in the knowā€™ on such matters. His take was that the lads (tds of non government) are furious that they cant go at this more. That the NAGP was far less a union, as itā€™s being sold, but an organisation that had invested heavily in remote doctoring. Basically, they were owned by certain investors, a start-up of sorts with a platform for online consultations, but needed to sign up GPs as members because the IMO were so opposed to it. The timing of it and the seeming public assessment that no harm was done has led to public apathy but the reality is that the whole affair was about a bunch of lads trying to get a company off the ground that would make themselves extremely rich through remote doctoring. They had valuations of 14 million apparently. And thatā€™s why Leo was helpingā€¦allegedlyā€¦



Thatā€™s disappointing from you

Tread from forum favourite paddy


SBP today are daring Leo to sue Paddy.

Imagine being taken down by this geek :grinning::grinning::grinning:

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Paddy loves Paddy

Few other give a flying fuck

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