Leo Varadkar

Chay Bowes is the fella that broke the golden circle sure. Paddy NoWifi is a simple bystander in all of this.

Paddy plumbing new depths.

Is Paddy a journalist or lobbyist?

he is a succesful businessman

In full

Paddy Cosgrave Profile picture

Paddy Cosgrave

4h, 6 tweets, 2 min read

My Authors

I need to address several rumours circulating

First, it is true that I supported @LeoVaradkar’s leadership bid, as my tweets from the time suggest. I met with his chief “choir boy” in my house at the time, Deputy Eoghan Murphy. He asked for additional resources. I declined

Second, I was explicit that my support for Leo over Coveney was predicated on Leo’s support for anti-corruption & whistleblowing. My interest was in passing the Criminal Justice (Anti-corruption) Bill

Leo to his credit achieved this within a short period of taking office

The draft anti-corruption legislation had remained on ice since 2012 after it was requested to be passed as emergency legislation by the IMF

In 2015 the legislation was gutted through amendment, but in 2017 the removed elements were largely reinstated and it was passed

Third, Chay Bowes first made contact with me in March. I immediately attempted to verify the various allegations

Chay was then connected to Whistleblower Aid in April, and Michael Smith on May 8th

They’ve intensely explored every angle & avenue since May 8th

Fourth, Chay is one of many whistleblowers who’ve come forward

Another includes an employee in St. Mary’s in Phoenix Park, whose concerns became largely public in April thanks to the encouragement of @wbaidlaw, the whistleblower’s solicitor, and the work of the @IrishTimes

Fifth, it is true that I spent approximately 3 hours meeting in person & drinking tea with @DrZeroCraic on Friday in Dublin.

Finally, this story is not about me. The focus should only be on the evidence of wrong-doing by the holder of the highest public office in our land.

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Paddy is scrambling

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Who drinks tea for 3 hours :thinking:

Someone who is not to be trusted

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Hopefully its more damning than a few screenshots to ruffle the features of ff and green backbenchers


Drain the swamp!!


MLMD calling on the Shinnerbots to stand down and standby :clap:

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Did she just say drain the swamp?

Oops. That too.

I would imagine this might have something to do with Paddy meeting with Dr Matt on Friday.

The Blueshirts haven’t been able to eat anything this morning.

Pray for @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy


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Great to see rugby football dragged through the gutter too.


The Village is embarrassing itself now.
Ffs sake that is some putrid shite