Leo Varadkar

Very well made and pertinent points.

One thing you forgot is Leo claiming the original article was defamatory and saying he was considering legal action. Then a few days later he decides not to proceed with legal action as The Village “is a fringe publication without any money”. FIrstly the owner of Village Michael Smith seems to have plenty of money and secondly if a man in Leo’s position is defamed it’s the clearing of his name that would be his main priority rather than the financial situation Village?

It’s the usual bully boy tactics of FG, threaten the person rather than address the issue. It was funny to see The Village goad him about it.

Okay, but you posted the second batch of revlations here licking your lips. what’s your view on them?

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Well that’s that then.

Send me a link to this court report.

Otherwise you are lying.

There’s not a lot of conjecture in them and they don’t really carry much weight but I think the priority is to keep the story rumbling on given the appalling reporting by the mainstream media.

A mighty sound gesture by Leo

Court report? Varadkar has admitted to the leak.

More bluster and deflection.

You said Varadkar is guilty of corruption. If that is the case there will be a court report.

More Trump tactics from SF IRA.

And I might add that he also sought out the home address of his friend to send the document onto rather than deliver them to his office which was on the same street as Varadkar’s office. He claimed he was unaware the NAGP office was across the road, a former minister for health…the head of state who was being kept abreast of negotiations.

Complicit, a stooge or incompetent. He is not fit for office.

So you’re saying that you’d utterly condemn the questioning of the motivation and sources of media stories. Unequivocally. In every case.???

I’ll leave these here so …

Trump tactics were Varadkar blustering about taking legal action on the allegations and then backing down on it when the allegations being made against him were completely corroborated by the evidence.

Deflection is talking about SF IRA in a Leo Varadkar thread.

But but but SF.

We are talking about Leo The Lawbreaker here.


What supports Leo Varadkar’s contention that he gave the documents to his friend to get the deal over the line? Do ye believe it and if so why?

Your position is riddled with hypocrisy. Making out like Helen Lovejoy about criminality, “bully-boy tactics”, media smearing etc. Desperate to make this into a bigger deal. Wetting yourself in anticipation of the big scoop from Village etc. You’re a busted flush.

If I’m honest, I think you’re still acting out about Tyrone having their holes handed to them.

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I was referring more to the ‘FFG tradition’…

More bluster and deflection.

The one thing you will not address is the issue at hand and we all know why.

I haven’t seen any more likely explanation to be honest. Village lead with big claims of “corruption” but haven’t been able to uncover anything to that effect.

I think it suited Leo’s needs to give him the doc as to Leo’s view it helped get more GP’s on board with the deal.

I think it was a pretty tawdry bit of business but in the real world that’s how things like this often go.


The question you were asked was what is there to support it? And you’ve offered nothing.

There is plenty there to completely discredit Varadkar’s defence and I have no problem detailing that.

The question posed to you is what supports or corroborates Varadkar’s defence, you seem to be fairly light on anything other than blind faith, naivety and partisan support for a disgraced political leader.

The Blueshirt Corruptalites have been asked to give some credible support for Varadkar defence and realise there actually isn’t any available.

There is absolutely nothing to support his defence but loads there to discredit it. If you had a dutiful mainstream media in the 26 they would be all over it.