Leo Varadkar

Because it relates to the matter.

Why are you trying to divert to a fairly futile part of the case? Itā€™s not contended that he broke protocols and codes of ethics to do a favour for his mate. His reasoning for doing it has absolutely nothing to support it. Deflect, deflect and deflect.

He also deleted his messages. Why?

The Village has been caught out with untrue allegations. The veracity of the whole story is now undermined. The motivations of Leo were to serve the State. The motivations of Bowes and the Village are questionable.

I think The Village overplayed their hand yesterday and have given Varadkar a bit of an open goal to muddy the waters. The issue is the leaking of a confidential state contract, but he can now hone in on these (non) meetings and say The Village is unreliable as I was in ā€œxā€ when they alleged I met Oā€™Tuathail etc etc. I still think he should go to prison for a very long time for what heā€™s done.


To what matter? You are talking about the leaking of the document here and itā€™s your view that he should go for that.

This second batch of reporting goes beyond that to alleged wider Ministerial meetings, accusing a broader group of people. Do you not want accountability (of whatever the allegations to that are supposed to be) over that?

Youā€™re trying to deflect. The fact Varadkar broke codes of ethics and responsibilities to do a favour for his mate is not disputed. Varadkarā€™s whole defence is undermined by the following facts:

  • He went behind the back of his minister for health who had refused a request to delete the document
  • The NAGP were a rival organisation who were not involved in the talks
  • He only gave the document at his friendā€™s request rather than the other way round. He was responding to a favour request rather than implementing a strategy
  • He deleted text messages of the request
  • His friend is on record as wanting to destroy the IMO
  • He very clearly states both on the document and in a text message that it was subject to change and not to take it as gospel which is a complete contradiction of his defence of the document being finalised
  • Not to mention the lie being spun about the document being published when it was not and did not go to ballot until a full month after

FG and the truth, like oil and water.


I think Varadkar should go for his corrupt acts in leaking confidential documents to his friend and then lying about his motives to the Dail.

Excellent post. Iā€™d agree except I think he should be in prison for even longer.


No he didnā€™t.

You are taking a very partisan view to this and donā€™t want the truth so there is no point in engaging in further tit for tat.

The Dail will meet today to determine Leoā€™s fate.

Why are the forum blueshirts defending corruption and cronyism?

Why you always lying? He absolutely did. He admitted he did and so has Simon Harris.

If you have evidence of such cronyism and corruption you need to bring it to the relevant authorities.

Criminal complaint has been made and actioned.

The Village is discredited. Leo has been vindicated.

There you go defending corruption and cronyism again.

You could say it was not best practice.

Not at all. Unlike you I will condemn it when proven. All I see are allegations.

You refuse to condemn proven corruption and cronyism in your own party. You are too partisan to be fair minded.

Itā€™s not contested, itā€™s actually accepted but has been passed off as ā€œnot best practiceā€. These allegations are 100% proven, you are just happy to abide by corruption and cronyism and your only response is to deflect rather than address.

You are lying now.

There is no proven allegation of corruption against Leo Varadkar.

There absolutely is.

He leaked a confidential document to his friend, this is not contested.

Why you always lying?

I think, although Iā€™m not sure, that the Whistlelblower legislation was aimed more at employees within companies and protecting them so I donā€™t think it applies in this instance.