Leo Varadkar

Ewan needs a few bob to get home for the Chrimbo

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Huge shock. No one saw that coming.

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FFG have outed themselves as being pro-corruption.

It was always known, now it’s confirmed.

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The party of white collar crime.

The seethe is real.

Pearse is a busted flush.

Petty Pearse.

You are in an awful way here, keep going though! :popcorn:

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I’ve have comprehensively beaten the shite out of the forum blueshirts today.

The collective right wing think tank has been dismembered.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has literally destroyed him for a week now


Well worth taking the day off work for it


@Thomas_Brady and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy are seething at democracy.

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I’m just sad that corruption has won out.

Your delight at an entitled narcissist getting away with a corruption crime is not a positive for soceity.

Unpaid leave

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Thomas could do with going back to school for a few spelling lessons

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Kevin the carrot and Leo the leak.

Harris is a bit of a simpleton. His communication skills are a shining example of why no one should ever conflate them with intellectual proficiency.


I’ve about 5 posts in here in the last week or so pal. It’s all a circus show, I ain’t that bothered

All hail John Delaney