Leo Varadkar

Eamon Ryan said the climate emergency was his reason for voting confidence in Leo- with a straight face too.

Gas cunts

Marry Lou ripping Fine Trump apart on Virgin now.

Leo to issue a statement in the morning. Rumors the Village are to announce something explosive tomorrow.

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Mary Lou calling FFG the parties of the brown envelope.


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Iā€™d say the debauchery behind closed doors there would ruin all 3 of them.

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Iā€™d say Matt has had the Kleenex out blubbing into them all week.

Hope Leo brought the flowers and chocolate home this evening.

Maybe he should order Matt a pair of expensive fashion shoes to say sorry.

Thereā€™s a very gentle and incredibly well concealed touch of homophobia rearing itā€™s head on this thread.


Ffg must be running out of darts at this stage.


Your racism over on the travellers thread is never gentle and rarely well concealed.


My dislike for travellers is well earned. Iā€™m unsure the same can be said to the homophobia here. Interesting to see you try to justify your views on this subject. I always imagined you were tongue in cheek in relation to the subject.I was foolish once on this subject Iā€™m ashamed to say. Perhaps you will see the light too.

So itā€™s ok to be racist once itā€™s well earned?

I dislike Leo because he is a smug, obnoxious media whore who constantly punches down on people less well off than himself. His sexuality is genuinely irrelevant to me.


Ah yeah, sure thats what it is. Its ok, bury it deep down there. Shur what harm could it do.

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I might be wrong here, but I donā€™t think MBB dislikes travellers because of their ethnicity.

I just want them to stop terrorising my auld pair really.


Itā€™s not racism to want your parents to not be subjected to criminal behaviour. Last time I checked, terrorising someone is a tortious act that is punishable under the law.