Leo Varadkar

He was but shur look it, you can only lie down for so long before you have to dust yourself down and get up and go again. Leo performing a service here it seems.

Pearse has triggered the college dropouts

He can easily relate to them sure.

Pearse dropped out twice, incredible commitment to sitting at home.


He did not?

Thats only once less than Wooly. Was he playing Sigerson too?

Seems to have done better than a few pigs all the same.

Pearse and Harris are birds of a feather. No real life experience outside politics.

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A day or two on the bog footing turf would crown them both.

Christ, I’ve completely rattled you to your very core haven’t I?! Days later, still seething after a minor skirmish :pint:

Ah bless, you’re still embarrassed.


You forgot Pearse was a college dropout x2 and tried to make a funny about college dropouts, Jesus how rattled can you actually be :laughing:

The only one on about being rattled is you.

The lady doth protest too much. You’ve generally been a figure of ridicule since you misguidedly disclosed you were a pig.

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Less of the pig references ya fcuking gurrier

I bet you’d like to arrest me, wouldn’t you?

:laughing: Oh my, I got a little paragraph that time :sunglasses:



He has to go

I like Pearse and I would also like to think hes better than what he served up today