Leo Varadkar

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He has to go


Homophobia is still a problem

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That’s low even for the shinners

How do you know it was them?

SF don’t recognize the border…


I started reading that humming Nirvana’s Breed in my head. They got lazy with the second couplet though.


Anoose must be Varadkars cousin?


That’s a really bad ode. I’d be offended if something that bad was written about me.
Maybe the last bit rhymes in a weird ulster accent.

The old A A B C rhyming scheme

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Is Will Hang the lad who signed off on it?

Possibly a loyalist with oriental roots.

In Limerick

False flag operations.

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You’ve very bad handwriting

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Very needy stuff.

Is the small e to represent his small Willi_?

Much better effort. 7/10.

Explaining. Losing.