Leo Varadkar

One of storieswas that 2 German states/provinces are having elections…


Utterly bizarre stuff.

Anyone who tries to deny the agenda at play here is an ostrich.

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This is despicable. What are we going to do lads

Harsh on the man who saved your gaa club from becoming a train track …

Rory hates the gaa

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The lyrics to “Useless Man” by Minty always spring to mind when I see Ryan Tubridy.

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What will we burn down first lads

Fire stations…obviously

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Are you still trying to convince everyone that a criminal investigation into the Tanaiste of the country is not a story? That’s just not credible. Even for a brown nosing Blueshirt like yourself.

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https://www.rte.ie/news/politics/2021/0314/1203900-politics-varadkar/ is up now.

Shadow staff Sunday morning early in fairness, junior staff scared of their shit to do something.

Be interesting to see if they do as they should and make it the focus of the news for the rest of the day and on The Week in Politics.

This was on the radio.

They had news stories on Clapham, AZ being pulled and German states having elections.

Odd that the news staff would feel worried to run a story on the Tanaiste being under criminal investigation.

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Not particularly.

For Junior staff there’d be protocol in place to avoid libel issues. The story from the newspaper would have to be fact checked and approved by senior editorial staff.

Radio news is thrown together during off peak hours. Not saying it’s right but that’s the way it happen, particularly when an investigation is in progress and that’s all you can report.

Head in the sand stuff from RTE.Imagine the fuckin howling from the MSM if it was Marylou or Pearse Doherty.Itd be wall to wall 24/7.I really despise Varadkar and Meehole is a close second.

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Seems like you’re stretching for limited excuses.

The AZ story broke early this morning. The Varadkar story broke late last night, one was reported on as the main headline this morning and the other was not reported on.

So it’s a ridiculous excuse and is an interesting insight in how you wish to spin matters.


Anyone with any bit of intellect or common sense about them can see the agenda at play here.

Sadly you the have “I don’t vote for FFG” crowd like @croppy_boy who spend their time going around defending the indefensible from FFG.

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They often have stories that say it’s been reported in today’s papers that etc etc. Your libel argument doesn’t hold water tbh. Very easy attach a disclaimer to that

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But but but the IRA etc etc…

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Keep the toys in the pram, I literally said I hope they cover it properly and hammer Varadkar when they can.

All I was doing is telling you what happens during off peak hours.

The gymnastics from the FFG crowd is unrale

RTE were quite happy to run with stories that incorrectly claimed Sinn Fein paid for ads in US papers during the week.

So @croppy_boy excuses are absolutely risible. Head in the sand stuff.