Leo Varadkar

Mary Lou thinks sheā€™s in front of a full bath tub in Belfast.

YFG :rofl:

If we end up with Simon Harris as the Taoiseach in waiting Iā€™m going to be very sad

Iā€™d imagine weā€™ll be going to the polls before that would happen.

I donā€™t think Varadkar has it in him to step aside.


ā€œI :heart: being your Taoiseach. Stay safe.ā€


I see Mary Lou has once again decided which way the wind is blowing. The Shinner on the radio yesterday (Mairead Farrell) said Varadkar shouldnā€™t stand aside

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She didnā€™t actually say he shouldnā€™t stand aside. She just avoided answering the question. She was very poor on it admittedly.

Youā€™d wonder how long an ā€œinvestigationā€ should take. Shouldnā€™t take long from what I can see - pretty much all the facts are on the record. How theyā€™ve even managed to spin it out for a couple of weeks at this stage is impressive.

They should close it out rapidly. If heā€™s charged then heā€™s in trouble politically. If heā€™s not then he isnā€™t. Simples.

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Do you believe his story as credible?

Itā€™s far from simple Iā€™d say, the case yes, but what if any charges, or what if any law was broken is very grey

When will the SIPO investigation be starting also?

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They are allowing Leo a little leeway to do the decent thing

That he gave the document to the NAGP to try and gather support? Iā€™d say its a blend of the truth - in reality leaking the doc gave him a couple of wins, it prob helped him both get the GP deal over the line which was a gov goal while also giving the impression of political influence/access. It may have benefitted him politically in getting a deal done - Iā€™ve seen no credible suggestion it was corrupt in terms of payment or other material gain.

Iā€™m not sure whether any of that matters in terms of criminal investigation though? I guess that more pivots on whether he was allowed give the document or if he wasnā€™t.

Why should he resign if heā€™s broken no laws.

Weā€™d not be at bottom of the vaccine Q if big Phil was in Brussels.

I think itā€™s far too late for Leo to fall on his swordā€¦ had he done so immediately people may have thought he was somewhat upstanding as preposterous as that may seem, if he goes now it just looks like he is jumping before he is pushed.

So you donā€™t think it had anything to do with him leaking it to his pal as a favour?

Well thatā€™s his defence. He hasnā€™t denied giving a confidential document to his friend. He has merely tried to justify it under a cock and bull defence that has no credibility and is undermined by all of his actions and secrecy from his cabinet colleagues.

Leo hs brought the office of tanaiste into disrepute, shady deals with his insider pals. That day is gone. He would have gotten away with it too if it wasnā€™t for those handful of pesky journalists who donā€™t cosy up to them. How many times has he gotten away with it in the past? Caught rotten, out ta fuck

He should go into a dark room with a bottle of whiskey and a revolver.


Even Big Phil and Dominic Cummings did the decent thing, honorable men. All eyes on Leo now