Leo Varadkar

How’d it go? Did you look?

Certainly at odds with Martin’s position in November when he said he believed Varadkar never leaked anything previously or since the GP one.

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No need to look he convinced me. It’s a SF led witch hunt which is distracting from the efforts to lead us out of this deadly pandemic

Seems unlikely

Hugh made the valid point about Gerry Adam’s being arrested for kidnap, torture and murder of an innocent widowed mother of 7 and not having to step aside while the investigation was on going. He said next to that leaking a document in the national interest isn’t as serious

Hard to argue with that but Gerry is yesterday’s news

Nobody in SF entertained the idea he should step aside so if they ask for Leo to do so now then it’s very much relevant

That’s IRA/SF double standards for you.

The story isn’t even on the indo home page anymore. In their top story section they have an article about Stacy Solomon and her struggles pre fame. No mention of Leo.

How is Stacy?

Her mom has got it going on.


Rachel :heart_eyes:

Will Leonthe leak bring down this government?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Chump will visit him in the joy
  • Fuck Tipp

0 voters

Who is Leon?

King of Leon sham.

An absolute rag…

He has to go

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I think you are forgetting something…

Bobby story’s funeral…


She has to go
