Leo Varadkar

I donā€™t know.


Iā€™m sure you could check the legislation.


Every TD would be guilty of an offence if doing a favour for a vote was a crime.

Well he didnā€™t get a few bob off him and I would imagine it would be very hard to prove he gained some kind of other advantage from it.


I looked it up myself there. Section 17 of the 2018 Act. Fine or maximum term of imprisonment of 12 months if the matter is dealt with summarily, 10 years on indictment in the Circuit Court.

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Whether he committed a crime or not is window dressing in political terms, he was the Taoiseach now Tanaiste who pulled the cabinet confidentialty card when it suited to avoid discussion. In this instance he showed he didnā€™t gve a shit for the rules when it came to being the big man and impressing his pals.
Donā€™t care if its a crime, he is not fit for office regardless.


Check subsection 4 itā€™s softer again.

@iron_mike has just confirmed that Leo is out the gap and has no case to answer. Letā€™s not concern ourselves any further with the prospect of his incarceration.

Too many lads have skin in the game

Imagine if Leo got sent away for 10 years.

Some diehard FF judge whoā€™s grandad got blown away by the Free Staters during the Civil War and has been waiting his whole life life this moment. Leo would get up to some riding in the Joy.

What about gaining advantage for some other person? Like Matthew O toolbox for example.

That scene with fran in love hate would look like a casual day out in comparison

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What advantage did he get ?

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Jesus it would be epic. Free Leo, Iā€™m starting the campaign now.

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Theres be free Leo tokens on cornflakes boxes and everything. It would be our very own Deirdre Barlow moment


Leo will have a long time to reflect of the folly of leaking that GPā€™s contract.

Do you actually seriously think that anything is going to come of this? Not a fucking hope.

It advanced O toolboxes position in the NAGP and it gave the NAGP and advantage over itā€™s rival the IMO

Si Harris turning state witness and being fucked off to Spain as part of the witness protection programme is the best we can hope for.

Varadkar is already toast, the damage has been done. As his (ex) close pal Dr Maitiu said ā€œLeo always delivers.ā€

Just, unfortunately, never for working class or middle class people.


NAGP has been disbanded. So that advantage wonā€™t fly.