Leo Varadkar

He wanted to destroy the IMO and believed the document would help “take the wind out of their sails”.

It’s all there in the evidence.

The best employment figures in years under his watch and continual increases to the minimum wage probably helped working and middle class people in fairness

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The advantage was that NAGP was fucked and this was a hamfisted attempt to save it


NAGP was a start up, not a union. That’s why the investigation into its finances turned so nasty. He was trying to get them into the game. Trying to get them a financial advantage. He failed but not for want of trying.

I would say the fact it was subsequently disbanded is completely irrelevant

We’ll have to wait and see.

3rd highest GDP per capita in the world, less than a decade after a crash. But the gubbermint are doin…

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I’m not on any side here but some lads would have you think Ireland is a shithole with completely unique issues to other countries when it is objectively one of the best countries in the world in which to live.


I don’t even think you can explain what fundamental value that is to the state.

You are on a side. What other countries in the world have the same type of housing crisis as Ireland have at present?

The picture, the bad bastards :rofl:

At very little cost to the tax payer as well.

Mary Lou would need to be careful in what she wishes for.

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Not to mention the shit show of a health service that we are now all paying dearly to protect.

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I don’t think that’s legit mate

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It’s a reflection of how stable and in fact wealthy the state is. Mind you Irelands is thanks almost totally to FDI.

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By almost all metrics. Except the health service which is mired in red tape.

Vague memory here was it Leo a few years ago who suggested that health care professionals have to do a return of service, three years or so after qualification, which they could buy out of if they wanted to head straight to Oz or Dubai. I remember it being mentioned on a panel and some journalist, no idea who, snorting ‘what, you want a travel ban for nurses!’ this was while trumps ‘travel ban’ was making news. That ended the conversation immediately, when that wasn’t what was being suggested at all. It’ll need someone with mighty backbone to tackle health.


Every country is the same. I lived in Germany for a few years and the germans themselves never stopped giving out about the place.

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Si hasn’t tweeted in 7 (SEVEN) hours
He must be feeling pressure