Leo Varadkar

Iā€™d say he might be talking about Jim ā€˜soft landingā€™ Power


Dan Oā€™Brien, Seamus Coffey and others.

Consider also that we spend far less than our European peers on defense and we are right up there.

I donā€™t have a problem with welfare spending but it should be more tiered like our European peers.


The ones he agrees with

He agrees with sid?



Youā€™re saying your pals health cover for his family costs ā‚¬24k a year? To your question of would people pay that here, do you seriously think people have that kind of loose change in their pockets to put in health insurance? Itā€™s not a matter of want, but the vast majority wouldnā€™t be able to afford it at that level.

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It costs 24k a year but itā€™s Health social insurance so he pays (in tax effectively) about half and employer pays hal
Health insurance is 14.6 per cent a year. Employer pays 7.3 and employee pays 7.3 and health insurance company can impose additional contributions which are again split 50/50

Youā€™re some man to wheel out stats but you donā€™t have your finger on the pulse if you think people here might be able to pay that.

Sorry my point was that the German health system is expensive. I was shocked how much it cost. That is US levels of cost.

My point was people could not afford it.

Germany also have a 3.05 per cent nursing home insurance and if you are over 23 with no kids you pay an extra 0.25 per cent.

What the fuck kind of plan is he on??? Has he 10 kids?

Most top plans are around 2k a year are they not? x 2 for the wife - say 4k

Sorry - just seeing that now - Health social insurance - how does this work?

He was freelance and just moved there so had to cover it himself.

I think it is capped for most employees at 9k a year and you pay nursing home charge on top of that. Nursing home insurance is another 1k a year. Accident insurance is another 1 per cent and employer pays that

You also pay 18.6 per cent pension and 2.4 per cent unemployment insurance (split half employee and half employer) so 40 percent social insurance split 50/50 with employer

I see Varadkar has made an appalling me/I error on twitter.

ā€œVote for Simon Coveney and Iā€¦ā€

This guy isnā€™t fit to lead a country.


I saw that ā€¦ fucking rote learners :rage:

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Leoā€™s insistence that he is disappointed with Dara Murphy planning on not cooperating with an investigation into his conduct is really fucking grating when you consider:

  1. He hasnā€™t been turfed out of the party and there seems to be no plans to take action against him
  2. They turned a blind eye to him not being around for two years and
  3. They clearly told him not to resign until after both the Bye Election in his constituency and the Eoghan Murphy confidence vote that they scraped a win in.

The cunt has zero respect for voters and clearly takes us all for gobshites.


In all fairness every party carries on like this. Turkeys donā€™t vote for Christmas. You have to remember at all times that every single politician in the country is a self-serving, weirdo cunt and not to be trusted - it is useful to always have this context when talking politics.


Indeed but then they try to take the high moral ground and the fake ā€˜disappointmentā€™ that heā€™s claiming is sickening.

Nevermind the fact that he only called the election to stop harris losing the no confidence motion.

As bad as Dara Murphy was he probably still had a better Dail attendance than the last Taoiseach.