Leo Varadkar

All that is a given but @croppy_boy’s point ties into a wider sense of lack of leadership from Leo the Lionheart and maybe people are responding that that in polls / voting.

It’s a combo of a tax and health insurance though. As a % of tax take it’s relatively the same. They just call it something different. And they won’t die on a hospital trolley either. So swings and roundabouts I guess

There is also an element of homophobia and racism to it as well in certain older and rural sections of society. Purely anecdotal evidence for this before anyone asks.

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There is. I will never vote FG but the personal antipathy towards him seems very manufactured.

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Do you think? I would have thought there were enough other reasons to dislike him before getting anywhere near him being gay and brown?
Although maybe those reasons only scratch the surface and mask racism and homophobia.

Purely anecdotally also my 8 year old mixed race daughter loves Leo because he is mixed race too


I disagree.

My cousin was home from the US last summer and said to me ‘Did you ever think we’d have a gay, non-Catholic son of immigrants as Taoiseach and none of those would be the reason people hate him?’

100% accurate.

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Not 100% accurate.

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I despised Varadkar earlier in his career when he was a shoot his mouth off merchant but he has represented Ireland well on the international stage and has moderated his positions as time has gone on. He has run an impressive personal campaign this time but when the tide is going out, it’s going out.

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Never was fit to lead,don’t like FG at all but Simon C would have made a better stab at it,as has shown in Europe he is a statesman - while leo the Langer has made a right balls of it

the fact that he’s gay and of mixed race is precisely the reason he’s getting a free ride form the media. the people who are having a go at him on the basis of race and sexuality are backwards idiots.

leo is disliked because he has an almost sociopathic lack of empathy, and doesnt seem to give a shite about the messing peoples lives that his policies cause.


I can only speak for myself — I loathe him because he’s an arrogant cunt who’s inept at his job.

I’ve no doubt some of the anti-abortion and anti- gay crowd are now voting Aontu or FF as a result of his sexual persuasion and /or heritage.

You can debate whether it’s genuine or not but he has not come across as arrogant on this campaign and has obviously made a conscious decision to portray a degree of empathy. He has been surprisingly earnest in his manner.

the fact that he has to do that speaks volumes.

He has been completely arrogant and cuntish when there’s no need.

Denating with Martin and refers to Simon Coveney as ‘the finest politician from Cork in many years’.

Fuck off.

Perhaps but his campaign manner has not been arrogant or lacking in empathy which is the criticism being levelled at him. Whereas SF have been lacking in empathy for the victims of Republican crime.

This was very notable from the off alright … The PR boys were on top of this one — until one his own part members accused him of being autistic

To be fair if you are upset by that I wouldn’t like to see how you’d react to anything else.

Very unlike a Corkman to back his own

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How have his predecessors fared on the empathy stakes

FF and FG have also been lacking in empathy for the victims of republican crime, in that they drag the bodies from the ground every time for purely political purposes. they [probably care less about them than MLMD.

and do you think that leo gives a single fuck about the women who died from the cervical screening fiasco, the people who have died due to the ineptness of the health service, those who died by suicide due to the housing situation or the long term effects on society that his policies will have? does he fuck