Leo Varadkar

What is the alternative? Not buy it cos it might be shit?

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Because our hospitals needed it and there is only one show in town from which to get it?


Ah TINA, I thought sheā€™d be dead after the promissory notes

But you see this is the problem when you big yourself up for doing so and have RTE tracking the flight

Irish state has a great record when it comes to procurement alright.

Iā€™m concerned about this uncontrollable crying, mate.

What when people are asking for PPE and you release details on how you are getting it?

As does lots of other countries.


Ah come off it. The whole thing was concannon orchestrated

Get some air, pal.

Iā€™ve had plenty of fresh sea air. I see it all clearly

Is there a leak at Sellafield?

Lads are being driven demented by that guy. Itā€™s neither here nor there to the facts on PPE which Broadsheet skilfully ignores. It shouldnā€™t be forgotten though that they allowed Gemma free reign for a long time on that website.

As it happens, I wonder has John Ryan scratched much of a living out of it.

Flueshirts hate broadsheet because it frequently does stories on them and dinny

Nicely sidestepped

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my senses are heightened given the current climate

Thereā€™s a lot more mutation in Tipperary thatā€™s nowhere near a tractor then on Dublinā€™s riviera, go figure

Iā€™m on a con call so Iā€™m focussed :smile:

Come again ?