Leo Varadkar

Some fair points but he also clearly doesnt know how the state of NI works going by the last few sentences. A nice bitch-fest all the same.

The trained seals on here will love this…

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How you keeping bro?

I’m flying it mate- life is great.

But I noticed Leo was getting away with murder on here recently so i’ve had to step in.

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Ah I’m not bothered about Leo, just checking in on an e friend. Good to hear you’re flying it.

Stay well.

Leo apologizing for putting his foot in his mouth again.

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You’re nearly as bad as Gil is with Ewan at this stage.

Leo gets a lot of praise around here. In the interest of balance I think it’s important for me to regularly highlight his cuntishness


I think it’s high time someone around here starting logging Leo’s bullshit - it’s long over due.

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It would be too big a job for one poster . A workgroup would need to be formed.

He’s got a whole new system of politics going “Government by opinion poll“


The people get what the people want.

The people wanted a new taoiseach

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True, just not enough though.

this global pandemic has given people a real clarity

He comes from an overseas branch the little slieveen

He’s a fucking bollox, nothing nice to say about the prick, drives me fucking :banana: s the snide cocksure cunt------- there that’s better out

Do try and keep your xenophobic streak a little further from the surface

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Some of them did, some of them didnt.

Nothing xenophobiac about my disklike of the man, he’s just bad for the country, don’t care if he’s from Mars,has 3 heads and is gay or straight he’s bad for my country. PS that’s my opinion as you have yours