Leo Varadkar

Fella needs to tone it down.

Iā€™m no leo fan myself but Iā€™ll still take him hands down above that clown in Westminister

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Stick to grounds for criticism so, and donā€™t be bringing overseas into it

Comparing ourselves to brits ir yanks is unfair on ourselves. We have decent alternatives to leo and we deserve to question his leadership as it hasnā€™t been good enough and the spin machine is sick. Worse than Blair


In fairness, Leo started it.


If I need the Turkish view, Iā€™ll seek you out

Yeah. Iā€™d agree with that

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Iā€™m Lakota.

You mentioned cock in the previous post and gay in this one. Iā€™m not sure you even realise youā€™re doing this.

I reckon the blue shirts will throw him under the bus after this. He wont lead them into next GE whether this year or in 5 years

We accept a lot of stuff around here but that guff ainā€™t cool.

??? Say youā€™re on the smarties fellaā€‹:grin::grin::grin::grin: cock sure isnā€™t the same as sure cock

Listen, we were all young and foolish once. But TFK has matured as a forum. Weā€™ve all grown. We need to help others grow too.

I reckon theyā€™re gone before the term ends

Itā€™s hard to tell chief. All bets are off until we get over this virus thing. But he definitely doesnā€™t have the same appeal to the Dublin fg crowd as he once did

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Lads - youā€™re working yourselves into a lather here for no reason. The writing is on the wall - itā€™ll be Taoiseach Micheal Martin in a couple of weeks and youā€™ll not have to worry about Leo at all at all

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Fg made a balls when they didnt go to grassroots for leader vote. Went for media sexy leo rather than the grassroots favourite Coveney. Not a fan of Coveney but Iā€™ve more confidence in him

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Who would you like to see lead fg as a matter of interest. I like Coveney

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Iā€™d take Coveney. Still wouldnt vote for them.

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