Leo Varadkar

He was helping to save lives, mind your tongue you cur.

The untalented mr ripley

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Off the top of my head list of fuck ups during lockdown.
Target of 100k tests per week to be achieved in April. We are still not at 15k mid may
Irelands call. 70k people signed up only 500 actually used
Requesting nurses come home from abroad but unable to get a pin or pay the extortionate cost for one
3/4 week delay in results at peak due to multiple excuses
Healthcare worker childcare scheme
Nursing homes in general should have been locked down in February
Not stopping flights earlier especially Cheltenham
Playing politics in order to form a government
Claim that they got a new government jet to bring tests to Germany when the jet was ordered in 2017
One hospital withholding test results from march until may
Purchase of PPE from China making a big deal about it and 60% of it was crap, despite the warnings from the Netherlands and Italy who had experienced it in the weeks previous
GOD and JW not being Locked up earlier

Iā€™ve definitely missed stuff feel free to add. Does this deserve itā€™s own tread?


Some fair, some distortions of the truth and some very unfair commentary there tbh.

We are seeing crisis management from States at an unprecedented level.

The biggest issue I have with them is that they are being overly conservative now and there is an almighty effort to prove that the lockdown was effective.

You missed our Minister for Health patiently pointing out to an interviewer on National radio that finding a vaccine for Covid-19 was going to be challenging as no vaccine had been found for the previous 18 Covids.


This contract to take over the private hospitals looks like becoming very controversial. While Iā€™ve no issues with the concept of a single tier health service, dismantling the private hospital system almost overnight in preparation for a Covid-19 surge that never came seems to be having several unintended consequences.

People that were in the middle of programmes in private hospitals having treatment halted, now in a queue for treatment to resume and all the while the private hospitals are lying practically empty yet being paid handsomely. There seems to be reticence on the governmentā€™s part to cancel this contract. Do I have this right? What gives here?

Iā€™m also interested in the healthcare worker childcare scheme and the insurance side of things. Could somebody ladybird this for me? Would crĆØches have insurance in the normal course of events for staff and/or kids getting sick? Some kind of illness protection cover?

But is it not normal for a pandemic to be an uninsurable risk? Are they expecting insurance companies to provide Covid-19 cover for staff attending healthcare workersā€™ homes?

This has taken far too long anyway. Sure healthcare workers are 9-10 weeks into this now. Anecdotally, I know healthcare workers that got in touch with their crĆØches at the outset and workers have been coming to mind kids in their homes under the table (not literally). They simply couldnā€™t afford to wait around to see what would happen, as they were needed on the frontline immediately.

It appears to be more random office types like me and my life partner that have been trying to work away on our laptops while a child is writing on a wall with a marker, and are still tipping away in this way. I think healthcare workers on the other hand were forced to take steps to get childminders, even if it meant breaking restrictions.

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I have only briefing heard that people who got cancer screening privately will have to be retested if the consultant didnt sign up to public contract as they have nowhere to do the treatment. Can anyone clarify this?

One of you may need to quit your job or take a career break pal ā€¦ Youā€™ll have less money in your pocket but more time with the nipper.

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Itā€™s a farce ā€¦ Mrs is waiting on an op and it has been pushed back three times even tho they are at nothing in the Bonsā€¦ Leo extending lockdown by blaming the public a few weeks back and then questioning why people arent visiting GPs/Hospitals. Heā€™s a dimwit.

Leo saved the country. Now might be the time to step back and let others carry the water from here.

Heā€™ll still be available for consultancy should they need his expertise.

The smartest thing Leo could do now, is resign when the new Government i formed, go out in a blaze of glory. He could go around lecturing the World then instead of us

His civic duty wont allow him do that. He just wants to give back. Its a noble trait. We are lucky to have him.

You can please some of the people all of the time and the rest you can just lock into their houses - Tony Holohan


Leo is morphing into his original form


ā€œIf you put pineapple in my pizza, Iā€™ll fucking gut youā€


Heā€™s something else

Spin FĆ©in :sweat_smile: :joy:

True we have the highest rate of death amongst healthcare workers in the world?