Leo Varadkar

As did over a dozen kids via plastic bulletā€™s,can go on and on, it happened was history and not glorified, but definitely not forgotten , the invaders got their holes kicked that day as in Kilmichael
Not afraid or ashamed of either, and easy to condem it from a far, this is what happens and will continue to happen in conflicts around the globe
RAF bombed more civilians including hundreds of kids in one night alone than by ETA/ IRA/BM etc

So itā€™s ok to kill children if your enemy killed children somewhere else?

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Obviously not FFS this happens in all wars or maybe you know how the military can do otherwise , itā€™s political decisions that caused this initially end of

Another few

So was it ok to murder the two children or not?

I thought he was in league with the Bilderbergs or lizards or whatever theyā€™re calledā€¦ secret business meetings in Switzerland. FLOWN IN on PRIVATE planes. NO PRESS ALLOWED etc. and the phrase I love most: ā€œWAKE UPā€

@Rocko needs to teach this cunt some manners.

Should we seek to officially reinstate internment? Itā€™s like itā€™s still an issue.

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Heā€™s starting to get fat again during this pandemic. Heā€™s looking more like the version of himself from a decade ago.

Like myself Leo would frequent Flyefit in Blanchardstown and is missing out of his gym routine due to its closure.

I have maintained a home routine though, so Iā€™m not getting fat

Dalkey dwelling Matt Damon is very impressed with Leoā€™s performance
." He described Taoiseach Leo Varadkar as ā€œa bad assā€ for returning to medical work as Ireland deals with the pandemic".

Badass for manning the 1850 covid chat line :smile:

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Feckin Yanks

Theyā€™ll make a movie about him yetā€¦ :joy::see_no_evil:

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The boring identity


You donā€™t recall him getting papped while on the frontline? Thankfully he ensured that didnā€™t happen again, very bad form by nuala

The Dalkey Fungi

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Good will cunting


The only Frontline I remember him on was a street in blanch, he was wearing PPE lest he share the air with the skangers