Leo Varadkar


Is that chocolatemice @caulifloweredneanderthal?

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No. Chocco is darker skinned

Is the story here that Leo is just pretending to be gay?

His PR team recommended it.

No, she just has a nice ass…

That’s Miguel Delaney and Lucy Kennedy

He’s a closet heterosexual! :scream:

I’d be willing to bet that’s not Leo in that photo

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It looks nothing like him?

Looks more like Limericks Dr. Goosey

I wouldn’t even be sure that photo is in Ireland

Its katie Holmes lads in New York

in fairness she was married to a gay lad so its not beyond the pale that shed snog leo :smiley:

What I want to know is where @habanerocat happened upon that photo

He must have a subscription to one of the hairdresser mags

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Goosey is banging Katie Holmes? Fair fucks

That’s outside a world famous diner in NYC. Few of the lads here are connected to the diner by social media.

I get all manner of fake news and celeb gossip when I come out of my hotmail account. It is indeed Katie Holmes and boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr.

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Interesting to see Leo showing “our” support for outdoor rallies (which look to be aimed at overthrowing foreign governments) in other countries, while voting for fixed penalty notices for breaches of Covid-19 legislation in Ireland.