Leo Varadkar

That doesn’t read good for Varadkar. I’ve only scanned through it but he has basically admitted leaking the document but has tried to bullshit his reasoning and rationale behind it?

Matter of hours you’d feel

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Hell either take village to the cleaners or he’s fucked. Calling him a ‘lawbreaker’ you’d imagine they were fairly sure of themselves

So he’s saying it was in the public domain before he sent to O Tuaithail. This should be easily verified. Still not a good look him sticking his beak in. What is the nature of his relationaship with O Tuaithail

So he “leaked” the agreement after it was already in the public domain?


That’s outrageously stupid by the magazine if that’s true

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He cannot break the law they cited as a member of the Oireachtas.

Good to see you back on the side of the establishment

Exactly. Surely they would have known this, assuming Leo is telling the truth

Homophobe alert


Leo Leo Leo

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I’m only ever on the side of justice and righteousness. The Village said he breached Official Secrets Act. He did not. He could not.

The fact it took his multi million spin team 7/8 hours to come up with that would not be encouraging for Varadkar. I’d imagine there is a lot, lot more to come from this.

@Lazarus is only homophobic towards right wingers

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A quick scan of Twitter suggests he’ll have to go.


Whatever. No interest in preening on peoples private lives.
This is in the public interest however

Why would Varadkar need to send documents that were already in the public domain to someone through back channels? It makes no sense would he not just have told him to get the documents himself from where ever they were available.

First Phil, now Leo. Your curtains must be in tatters with all the twitching