Leo Varadkar

I laughed at that . :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

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Is this worse than playing golf and by what percentage? Does Leo play golf as well?

Big Jim has a lovely way about him

Those lawyers have a serious presence about them.

I take it your accum isnā€™t going very well then

Thatā€™s not in the public interest

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It is in the TFK interest

Why does one of the WhatsApp messages ask if this is for real and are they the genuine contracts? If it was in the public domain I mean?

Village magazine arenā€™t village idiots. I canā€™t believe that was the best Varadkar could come up with. No journalist will connect these dots either

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Varadker is a proper cunt of cunts. Bigger than some of the biggest cunts on this forum.


The ones that lurk on here will now

Did he leak the bressie rumour?

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They probably should have checked the law breaker allegation.

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Unless of course the story is bait, and they are holding it in reserve allowing Leo to come out swinging sand then theyā€™ll nail him

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Law of parsimony usually applies but weā€™ll see.

Contract was announced on 5 April.

The IMO will now organise a series of consultative meetings for members and a ballot of GP members on the deal.

Boro 1 Forest 0, Leo 0

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Why all the secrecy in the GP WhatsApp group and sending it via back channels if it was all above board?

A few more facts to emerge yet but I still think hard time for Varadkar will be required.


His beloved Dubs getting hammered too. He wonā€™t be happy today.

Heā€™s a Waterford hurling man, Dublin in the football.

Once he conceded the ā€œnot best practiceā€ bit he doesnā€™t have an easy out

They are holding something back