Leo Varadkar

Scone pronounced like cone or scone pronounced like gone would be a better way to illustrate these


I would say there is a high correlation between scarf wears and people who pronounce it scone/cone

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Scone/gone is the West Brit way of saying it.



It’s most definitely the opposite.
Anyone using the scone/gone version is most definitely not to be trusted.
It doesn’t even make any sense.
The word is scone.


Go away you bender

You voted for that yourself

Case closed you west brit steamer


Scone/gone pronouncing is up there with cognizant for me in terms of writing a person off as a wrong un


A scon ffs :laughing:

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i see the big scone corporations have gotten to you too

I fucking warned you @TheUlteriorMotive

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The story has been quelled by the media so far, it broke Saturday morning and we have not had one case of a gov rep going up against an opposition rep on it directly. Today is the day where it will develop and where the media may have no further option but the report on the seriousness of it which they have failed to do yet.

The courtesy Varadkar has got from the media has absolutely disgraceful and it would not extend to any of the oppositions parties. It’s hard for it to gain traction with the public when the mainstream media have tried their best to keep it in the background.

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Ramping up the pressure on Leo. Poor Leo is probably racking his brains trying to remember what he has leaked and what he hasn’t.

This is a thread about scones now. Take it elsewhere.


chay bowes has scone to AGS

No one in either of the 3 parties in government are going to break ranks over this. They know they will be savaged at the polls so they will all toe the line.

As for Leo, he will survive today but as a politician he is finished. I’d say a deal has already been done in FG where he will continue to lead the party till the summer recess and then he will announce that he is stepping down as leader and Simon will take over which will give him time as leader before taking over as Taoiseach.

Where does the forum stand on brown sco(h)nes

@Bandage, thanks for sorting that