Leo Varadkar

How are their circulation numbers?

It’s to give the opposition time to ask more pertinent questions apparently. Smart.

He’s been working on his statement disproving the original stuff all weekend, an hour is no time for him to get ducks in a row for anything new.


Print is dead.

Have they a podcast?

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cc @TheUlteriorMotive


Paddy C is behind all of this, he suggested Village to the whistle blower. Himself and Leo’s sexy friend have legal history

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Every politician leaks.
None of them will be able to stand up and say they have never leaked.


You will have the usual few screaming noras who don’t understand the way of the world shrieking and bawling over it, but unless the Village have something more damaging to release Leo will be fine.

It’s a storm in a coconut milk flat white cup.

President Trump is where it’s at today.

He can’t stay lads

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Don’t fuck with Paddy C.

Fine Gael would want to fuck off away from Twitter the fucking apes

They seem to be racking up annual losses, €200k in the hole according to their financial statements. You can’t see who is funding them to keep them going, that guy Smith seems to have money of his own but various advocates must be putting money in so they can print.

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Scones look like their owners clearly.

It takes courage to go after Leo and the might of his taxpayer funded smear, sorry PR team(s).
They are to be greatly applauded for at least shining a light on this.


Blueshirts don’t like it up them.

Which is kind of ironic actually.

Plenty of people go after Varadkar and the Government. Where has this myth come from? More bizarre transplanting of US and U.K. style party political journalism by Twitter oddballs.

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Will be interesting to see if this has much impact on the next polls. My feeling is that the general public doesn’t really care about this, rightly or wrongly

Smashing looking scones

How do you pronounce Scones
  • Scoh-nes
  • Skon-nes

0 voters

Fucking hell, this has the potential to tear the forum apart