Leo Varadkar

He really didn’t at all.

It’s almost like people are going to believe what they believe regardless


Destroyed him and now Gaydan is following up with another pummelling.

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Pearse reading Tweets out was the level of him.

They’re not great mates but he’s spoken to him three times since the story broke at the weekend.

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The blueshirts are circling the wagons

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What’s the consensus here?

On TFK? Are you mad?

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@TheUlteriorMotive has the cyanide tablet on standby.

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Was Leo just publicly eviscerated by Pearse?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Fuck Tipp

0 voters

It’s not letting me hit Fuck Tipp twice



Not letting me vote at all, looks rigged

Pearse looks seething. He was all fired up and landed nothing. Leo looks bored now.

Oddgone is doing surprisingly well here

Leo The Stooge :grinning:

Now that is a horrible thought

He’s done better than Pearse.

@artfoley - what would the mood be between these lads after a debate like this or on TV. Would they be ready to punch somebody in the Dail bar or is it civil enough.

Very civil. They’re all just different sides of the same coin.

Pity the bar isn’t open for later

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Aodhan is one cool customer, Leo has no answers
‘The guy with the Leo T shirt’ :smile:

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