Leo Varadkar

Once again the lads confusing what they would like to happen with what is going to happen.

Depends on how much of a beating they took. The FFers would definitely be seething. The blue shirts would smile, buy them a drink and plot to have vengeance

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Leo will be feigning a heart attack soon.

The female TDs must notice a sizeable decrease in toxic masculinity since that bar closed

Someoneā€™s Nokia 3310 is going off

Itā€™s a pantomime.

Entertaining to see them joust.

Has to be MHR

The Tanaiste so far today has been adressed as Taoiseach by the Ceann Comhairle and the Leas Ceann Comhairle. Oh and the actual Taoiseach

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Claire and Mick used to love holding court in there

Surely the red tops will go with the ā€œVillage Idiotsā€ headline tomorrow

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All 3 questioners have asked if heā€™s leaked anything else.

Must be something there

Pearse saw the hash tag on twitter

Itā€™s an obvious question to make him a hostage to fortune. They must all brief/leak. If something else comes out then heā€™s toast.

Catherine Murphy is a fine politician.

Just setting him up.

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Leo digging his own grave here

Crafty hoores. Heā€™ll never see it coming

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I have a feeling AK47 has something up his sleeve, with the deliberate question he asked Minty Burns earlier today

Paul Murphy lands the KO blow.

Heā€™s still very punchable himself

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