Leo Varadkar

Itā€™s sad to see in 2020 a gay man has to cut down that sort of nonsense.

Leo has just publicly denied cheating on his life partner.


What did he say? And to whom?

Homophobia isnā€™t cool guys. Second time itā€™s raised its big purple head.


He was picking his nose

It hasnā€™t. Mattie had every right to take that line of questioning, doesnā€™t matter a fuck whether Leo is gay or not

Gone away. I know.

Mattie McGrath.

Varadkar got very testy.

Danny getting to the heart of the matter.

Danny Healy Rae is ruining this now

Not too many could get away with using the word Congloberation but not a bother to Danny


Itā€™s a wonder these fellas get around to producing any documents to leak at all, what with all these controversies they lurch to and from from week to week.

In other news I have no idea if I voted on the right ā€œsconeā€ option above. Iā€™ve always pronounced it ā€œsconeā€ , the first time I ever heard anyone pronounce it ā€œsconeā€ was in Kilkenny. Make of that what you will.

TDs are a bit like fellas who post on TFK, spend so much time arguing and shouting over complete shite you wonder how they actually ever get anything done in the real world



Cc @dodgy_keeper

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The Leas Ceann Comhairle doesnā€™t appear so timid all of a sudden :clap: :clap:

Tis like fellas posting away in the Netflix thread about the latest series theyā€™ve watched after a long day put away arguing over graphs and studies in the Coronavirus thread.

I donā€™t know how they do it.

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Over to the media now.

Varadkar had a car crash two hours.