Leo Varadkar

Ah lads - saw a bit of Aodhan O’Riordans “tough barrister” effort on Prime Time. Fucking hell - that was embarrassing stuff :joy::joy: Tell me the rest of it wasn’t as cringey as that.

Shane Ross plugging his book here. I’d say we’ll see him on TLLS very soon


And that was a highlight apparently :joy::joy:

Meanwhile the vox pop had the public basically saying they didn’t give a shit :joy::joy:

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Just back from the coty thread with a nomination because of him pushing his book on Primetime

The whole thing was a bit of a farce today . The opposition got their say & Leo is wearing the sackcloth and ashes . A thing of nothing .

That said Leo needed taking down a peg or two . I would think the Taoiseach quite enjoyed it too .

Leo needs to knuckle down and do his job .


Richard Downes having trouble texting while doing a live piece for Primetime

Joe Public gets angry about things they understand like children’s shoes or water charges. Nobody cares about leaking documents that people don’t understand


The whole mess might teach Leo some humility, but I suspect not.

His reputation and credibility are in tatters forever. He’s only damaging FG in long run by staying in situ. Irish political parties however would rather cut off their own head than give up one of their own to a baying mob of rivals.

I think that’s it . Today interested “politics nerds” only . The vast majority of the population didn’t give one iota of a fuck

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SF will beat him with this stick for the next 4 years . And rightfully so .

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Under his leadership in last election FG lost near on half their seats . He wasn’t popular per se . He had 2 instances where the party did well in opinion polls - Brexit and the 1st lockdown .

I still wonder is he really up for politics any more .

It is in the public interest for Leo to remain in office for the simple fact that no one else has the balls to stand up to Dr Cervical Check

SF outrage at a breach of cabinet confidentiality of a State they don’t recognise

Leo is planning to retire next summer I expect.

SF outrage at any law being broken is fairly hilarious.

Go on Pearse - shout “youse” at us

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Pearse Doherty incoming on The Tonight Show

So, in summary, ffg folk whilst glued to the entire proceedings derided them as irrelevant, conveniently brushing aside the principle of leaking a document that at the time was essentially classified. No harm, no foul, similar to giving a free pass to any of the Brit soldiers on bloody Sunday who missed.
The anti ffg folk would like to hang him out, but can’t quite.
The majority know fine well that he is a corrupt arrogant liar, but haven’t really got the energy for it.


Not following this at all but I hate when people slag off a politician they dont like for having a normal accent and pronouncing things the way most people where they are from pronounce them. Bertie was a bollix but I hated when he got slagged over his ths.

Karma be a bitch.

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Don’t worry he has a temprory stay of execution thats it. Once Meehawl sees out his turn at Taoiseach, FF won’t be long bringing the Govt down. The Greens could do it now but they are what they are