Leo Varadkar

Phil Hogan wasn’t allowed move on.

Playing golf can NEVER EVER be excused.

Leo didn’t nearly kill somebody with Covid.

When is advent starting lads?

Have you forgotten last march and April? He killed plenty…

Advent a time for reflection. Time to cleanse the soul to welcome his arrival in all his glory.

Apart from a few hundred nursing home residents

That was very funny today. Paddy Cosgrave has absolutely ruined Varadkar and O’Tuathail. I know there was the defamation case with O’Tuathail, but this smacks of groups of posh boys engaging in public posturing and score-settling. I’m glad Chay Bowes reported the crime today, as it saved me from doing so.


He massacred hundreds that day he was drinking cans topless in the park

I forgot that. He needs to go.

Chay, Leo and Maitiu

“They killed a lot of people but only the good die young”

Very unedifying

I wonder what Chay’s motivation in all of this was. Like I get why Paddy was seething after being made to grovel by Dr Matt but I’m not sure what Chay was upset by? You’d feel fierce nervous if you were in a WhatsApp group with him now

Is it homophobic to refer to Dr Maitiu as Leo’s Tuathail boy?

I’ll allow it

I’d say Niall Collins loves having to defend Leo on Primetime.

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I cant tell if hes a clone of Damien English or is it the other way round


Great shout

Collette Browne :heart_eyes: