Leo Varadkar

Why would I be crying?

If this was SF - you and others would be apoplectic with rage … that’s the disappointing here.

Is it really? I’m disappointed that you’re disappointed.

I do appreciate the use of “apoplectic” though. Always good to see a wordsmith at work.

One rule for your lot - different rules for everyone else it seems.

Is Leo in jail yet?

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It was idealistic in the 90s it looks like absolute fantasy now

His resignation is more than enough in this instance.

Resign on a nice pension, and a handy number in Europe?

Europe wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole, confidentiality is big in brux

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He can get a gig as a private sector lobbyist

Really ??

the only exception is leaks to politico, which are mandatory

Anyone word on Leo today?

village are saying theyll have another story out today

How’s Pearse today after the trimming he got last night?

They’ve really nailed this journalism thing.


He was hopping mad, I feared for the other lad’s safety

What are you suggesting here :eek:

What sort of mind operates such a twitter account?