Leo Varadkar

prob a TFKer

Iā€™d say its a cert.

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lovely, dumping RTE and the times in it too


Is Paddy Cosgrave hacking into all these social media accounts himself?


Oh Mo Dhia
Leo is blessed itā€™s not a slow news day.

Sure this was all read out by Petty Pearse yesterday

Is that all they have :flushed::joy::joy:

Proper investigative journalism. :clap:

This isnā€™t exactly death by a thousand cuts, as much as a really annoying paper cut by a thousand cuts.


Shows Harris up to be the messenger boy he is. To think someone like that can hold office is frightening and says it all about the public sector here


What it does show is that the primary motive of Varadkarā€™s buddy was to damage a rival organisation.

If there was any sort of competent mainstream journalism in this country, heā€™d be gone by now.

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This is true.

Posh Boy :grinning:


The whole world is laughing at Ireland and a government defending Varadkar of blatant corruption.

FFG - a complete and utter international laughing stock.

Ha ha, I love the Express and their RANDOM capitalisation. Same lads who thought Varadkar was a revolutionary republican during the Brexit talks :joy:

Thatā€™s not in a text message to Leo though. Instead weā€™ve texts saying Leo was in the IMO and that he suggested to Dr Matt to join the IMO which doesnā€™t sound like a man who has a shared ambition to destroy the IMO.

As far as I can see these texts are more woe for Dr Matt but thatā€™s about it. The fact that the opposition had them yesterday but didnā€™t get much leverage off them would support that view too.

The Express will be over the moon if Mary Lou becomes taoiseach :joy: :joy:


they say more to come as well

What does the behaviour of an elected representative say about the public sector? I really donā€™t get your point.