Leo Varadkar

So he did. I’ve changed my mind. Leo is a Prince.

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‘‘Twas the Celebrity Architect

Regina Doherty will on tv3 in a few minutes to clear up any confusion about Leo’s recent actions

moving to endgame now


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I’d often delete messages. I’m sure Pearse does too. Pearse probably uses signal in fairness.

He’s seething after his schooling this week.

Why would you delete messages?

Did you break laws too?

Same reason I don’t keep all the mail I get. The Marie Kondo method. A cluttered phone or home is a cluttered mind.

Pearse just sentenced Leo to DELETION

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Did Varadkar delete all his messages pre April 2019 or just the messages where he breaks the law?

As much as the parties of white collar crime would like for the Varadkar story to be buried, they can’t and won’t outrun this.

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You’d want to be some mug to be leaving messages on your phone in this day and age.

Ones that break the law anyway.

But it turns out Leo might have actually broken more laws by doing so. :man_facepalming:

Its a wicked web we weave.

your messages arent FOIable

I wonder if Enda Kenny kept messages from 2003 on his Nokia 7210 or whatever it was?

I presume he had an official phone and a personal phone? Which phone did he break the law with?


AGS to the rescue again. A great bunch of lads.