Leo Varadkar

He did a great job dragging out the pfg agreement to June, when he was in office long enough to claim the taoiseach pension. As much of a cunt he is, heā€™s a genius. Heā€™ll come out of this with something lined up

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Barry cowen didnā€™t think his fuck up was a resigning matter. Thatā€™s why he got fired

Would you resign if you were caught drink driving and if not would you be fired. As a public servant like.

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He deserved to get fired. Its a fair dig at his party leader for standing up for Leo.

Barry Cowen is an Irish patriot


Leo led his party into one general election and finished third and he has nothing left to prove? You sound like Gerry Thornley celebrating the Irish rugby teamā€™s mediocrity.


Iā€™d resign. Resignation is infinitely better on the CV.

Heā€™s been Taoiseach. Heā€™s ticked that box. He has that pension. I doubt he planned to be Taoiseach again and heā€™ll exit stage left.

How many cabinet tables has your master debater Pearce sat at.


Hopefully Sinn Fein recognise the State and go into government at some stage and deliver us all utopia.

Is this the same cunt that was bemoaning the negative impacts of lockdown on young people in the Business Post, 3 days after he voted in favour of a bill with penal provisions for breaches of lockdown? Heā€™s as poisonous as the next cunt.

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A snollygoster.

Iā€™d say thatā€™s their plan anyway.

A swankpot of the highest order.

They better tell Cullinane so.

sure youā€™ll always be grateful for him saving the metro going through your clubā€¦

Him and Paschal ran for cover unsurprisingly

he went on Dail record telling planners to find alternative as it would cause too much disruptionā€¦

Aten bread is soon forgotten