Less negative things about the lockdown

I’ve a friend with a business in the dock road and he said the guards are everywhere there during the evenings just in case in the off chance you happened to be anywhere near that direction and were out! Some amount of those donuts done around the place!

Hard to bate rural Ireland for driving lessons. Initially lessons were on the tractor, progressing to them piloting a trusty, if ancient VW through the stacks of square bales in the meadows in June or July. All of ours were dab hands by 14/15 and never looked back.
Those were the days, every youngster had it off to a tee by 16. Soft townie gimps now complaining about theory tests and ancillary obstacles.


Now 70s
Lemon curd on homemade fruit scones

Most soft townie cunts would have your BMW hotwired, joyridden and burnt out at the age of 12

Bressi needs you now more than ever.

I learned at an early age that if you removed the rotor out of the distributor cap and put it in your pocket they could hotwire away. These were the days before car alarms and applicable in dangerous towns like Castlebar and Roscommon in the summer months.


I used have a Toyota starlet, a pure banger. I learned if I left the window open a bit, they’d leave the car alone as it’s the challenge they wanted

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It’s only food and booze that are being bought now 2 cars sitting outside the house for trips to the shop😂

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I think a lot of people if they can will get rid of the 2nd car.

Its win win really - once you don’t have mad commutes. Working from home will be the new norm for a lot of people at least 3 days a week.


I was commuting 100 miles a day round trip albeit by train but still drove the few mins to the station. Don’t mind the long hours at the moment as I don’t have to do that. We needed 2 cars when life was normal but as you say I don’t really see a need for 2 after this.


Companies will be looking at this and thinking of the savings in terms of desks in an office - its a no brainer really and a win win for the most part. Getting rid of a 2nd car would easily give families a boost similar to a decent promotion after tax.


The novice WFH crew will really need to convert one of the spare bedrooms into an office if they are to stick with it.

Our regular cross-functional update calls are proving much less functional with Mrs Customer Success in the background trying to re-organise home improvements over the phone, whilst simultaneously trying to plámás a very vocal Customer Success Jnr into eating his Coco-Pops.


WFH is a state of mind.

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You can freely and openly cross the road when you see a neighbour you don’t like walking towards you on the street.


Reality tv brigade out of the headlines.

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No more jinnets standing battering the crossing button at the lights.

@Tassotti @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy



I’m having a great time with the kids*

*apart from yesterday. They were fucking nuts.

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Beautiful west coast cities like San Fran and San Diego wouldn’t destroyed by drunk Irish j1ers.