Let's All Laugh At Sevco Thread

Actually beyond parody




Learnt today that before the Uefa cup final in Manchester in 08, the war with the screen not working started because the dj in the fanzone played Simple Minds! So the organisers had to get a Scottish dj, he played Tina Turner etc.

An order for steel & order materials to complete stadium improvement works during the summer was BOTCHED by the huns. A delay is now expected & at least one employee has been fired, according to STV. They’re looking at alternative venues for their early season games as a result.


The pettiness/shithousery in the Glasgow goldfish bowl never changes. I regularly say that Celtic should be looking beyond them but I thought the “coincidental” timing for this Celtic update on construction at Barrowfield was amusing.



@Bandage this uses Strava data to show the stadium is falling down


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Sevco are a literal sinking ship.

Celtic should rent them park head and make money off them.

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Not a hope of it…imagine the holy water costs to cleanse the place after they play there every fortnight. Not even Lawell would sink (if you pardon the pun) that low to bring in a few bob…

A terrific addition to the list of Huns and ex Huns refusing to partake in a huddle.



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He opposes winning trophies too


I’ll look forward to watching that tomorrow

Lol at the Ukrainians getting off or out from under the couch to eliminate the Farmersleaguetans. Kris Boyd is sick, Kris should be glad he got together with his few bob in the first place because there is fuck all between Kris and Seanie Maguire, bar Seanie can actually run.

Kris is allegedly on 1.2 million a year.

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That’s one of the saddest things I’ve seen. I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that was just a picture taken at the right time. Presumably, that team does this before every game. He can’t do a season of that :sweat_smile:

No, it’s actually a well established thing with loads of their ex players. I think in TFK terms it shows how “badly rattled” they are.

That challenge by Jefte last night for the second yellow was a potential jaw breaker. Haven’t seen anything that bad in a long time.

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It doesn’t make it any less funny, but that was harmless enough

He could have killed him!