Let's All Laugh At Sevco Thread


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Penalty to Rangers

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Never :flushed::flushed::flushed:

Even the huns were having a go at him for his diving during the Celtic game.


He was talking today about Rangers being stronger than Celtic as exemplified by Rangers winning their cup semi last week 2-0 & Celtic requiring a penalty shoot out.

Normally at this stage of the season it’s rumours of Celtic players leaving that start doing the rounds but the stories about Captain Disappointed and Goldson possibly joining Stevie G in Saudi are interesting. Whatever about Goldson TavPen would be a big loss. Not against Celtic but in the other games where he’ll dig them out with a penalty or free kick.

Might be a great way for Rangers to get money in the door. Gerrard would surely sign them for £20 million each. Rangers could do a serious rebuild with that kind of money.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Jota who was in his mid 20s, with a heap of goals and assists, went for 25 million. Unless it’s a pyramid scheme there’s no way are two over 30 cloggers going for roughly the same amount each.

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In the real world.

But it’s Steven Gerrard. A former club getting a dig out. And the money is like confetti.

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I’d be nervous after what I saw from Celtic tbh pal. It was a day to make a statement as opposed to falling over the line .
Tomorrow is absolutely massive for both rangers and Celtic .

This could come back to haunt me but I’m comfortable with the post split fixture sequencing. Of the two away games, I’d prefer to have this Dundee one before the Killie plastic pitch. We surely won’t lose to Hesrts three times in a row…surely…? And then the huns at home. Can’t have any complaints, albeit Celtic are average.

They won 4-1 at home to Killie yesterday after being 1-0 down. Another occasion where they were awarded a penalty & saw the opposition go down to 10 men after Rangers fell behind. Think it was for a handball on the line. Tavernier struck his 20th penalty of the season (!) but missed it. They equalised after 52 minutes of the first half & ran up the score late on. Silva had a go at the home fans when he equalised & Clement reacted to Rodgers’ comments the day before afterwards. Trying to adopt the old siege mentality after Rodgers said Celtic would prepare well this week & look to have some fun next Saturday. Clement taking exception to this & saying it’s disrespectful to talk about having fun but it was a throwaway comment by Rodgers. So Celtic lead by 3 points & have +5 goal difference with 3 games left. Rangers winning & winning by a couple of goals at Celtic Park would put the cat amongst the pigeons but Celtic played very well on Saturday & there’ll be no away support this weekend. Stranger things have happened than the huns winning but I’d be more wary of some refereeing/VAR shenanigans than them producing one of those away European types results they’ve had from time to time in recent years.

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What chance you got?


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This is tremendous.


What does Jim have to say about it all there? I couldn’t understand a word of him.


Jim is less concerned about rangers’ performance but is very concerned that they are allowing women on the radio…

What a finish that is!


