Let's Riot! - well kind of

whatever is left of the place will be well and truly fucked if the likes of a mob led by utter scum like the socialsit movement, CIRA, the shinners and other “revolutionaries” have a say in running the place.
what will they propose next: we have a situation like in cambodia where we make 2010 a Year 0 and kill affluent folk like myself whose taxes are what is putting bread on the tables of these free-loading fooks…

the cops need to get their act together pronto and quell theis petulant, adolescent behaviour before it cost me any more money,
every time these scum try a trick like this id take 10% off their dole that i pay for,
that’ll show them.

Blah blah blah. Get out while you can. The terror is coming.

An incredible 40,000 students have turned out for the USI’s Education not Emigration protest in Dublin according to official Garda estimates.

The figure is higher than the 25,000 which the USI earlier today said was the expected turnout for the student march.

Preliminary Garda estimates put the turnout at 15,000, 10,000 less than the first USI figures, but were revised upwards in the last half hour to reflect the massive turnout.

The huge gathering wasn’t without trouble, though. According to live reports from Dublin, a contingent of Socialist Workers Party activists broke into the Department of Finance offices and hosted a sit-in, forcing traffic to be diverted and extra Gardaí to be drafted in to remove them from the Department’s offices. The scene soon turned violent with Gardaí in riot gear having to be drafted in to keep the peace. Mounted Gardaí and armoured vehicles also were called to attend the scene.

Despite some violence, though, sources reported the atmosphere at the protest as ‘hugely angry, but there’s a strong feeling of solidarity amongst the students, who’ve turned out from literally the four corners of the country to make their voice heard’. It’s believed that the violent outbreak was the work of a small minority of protesters and didn’t reflect the attitudes of the broader student population.

It’s just like bloody sunday. This brutality from the Garda in defence of a corrupt government will flood the ranks of the revolutionaries.

I have three simple demands

  1. Free elections
  2. No increase in registration fees for hard pressed students
  3. John O’Donoghue’s head on a sterling silver plate

hopefully history will repeat itself so and the army will do the decent thing and get rid of the commie fooks and we wont hear of them for another 30 years.

“live rounds” chaps,
boom and yer gone

The students are only protesting about fee’s they couldn’t give a fuck about the state of the nation
This would be a good time for the Guards to try out them new Tasers they got

Bring out those Israeli missile things we bought

This is all noddy’s fault!!!

good to have you back mate

They’re complaining about how the spectacular fuck up that has been made of the country affects them. What else are they supposed to do?

The Dail to be disolved and elections to be held in which no one who stood in Government in the last three terms can stand.

**Apart from Brian Lenihan of course.

The irish army :lol: :lol:

The desperation from the right is almost tragic. Their ideas have failed and bankrupted the nation. They have scarred the land with their ghost estates. They have surrendered our sovereignty to the “The Markets”. Our country has been sold down the river by these traitors. And now they have no answers. A winter of discontent and a spring revolution is on the way.



Lenihan’s medication should be taken away until he allows our health service to buy affordable generic drugs. And until he hands over the traitors who were bought by the international pharmaceutical companies.

The dirty leftists on the forum are getting the mother of all internet beatings here from the nouveau-riche, affluent posters like myself.

The nouveau riche who were able to secure good jobs due to the free education they received in this country.

Scum like you will have your vote taken away until you stop voting for the imbeciles in fianna fail. If you continue to vote for the bloated, corrupted establishment you will be hanged as a traitor.

I am indeed working Mickee. Although I have left the old sod, a substantial portion of my pay check is still being channeled back home so these lads can play iron stomach games and have a laugh in the student bar this evening about having a crack at some cop.

I got a free college education but to be honest my degree isn’t worth the paper it’s written on, I learned nothing. Would people not be happier if we had some world class universities even if they cost a bit to attend? I know I would.

It’s just more of the same, people looking for someone else to blame. Get so sick of looking at things like politics.ie or threads here wanting the government hung from a tree.

I just hate the general public.

See how easy it is…