Let's Riot! - well kind of

Was chatting to a pile of students through work yesterday and they hadn’t a clue about the cause of the protest but wanted to go for the craic.

The whole point of going to college for the vast majority is to attain a qualification that is then used to get a job. Therefore I would think that a student borrowing to pay for his or her fees should be a reasonable solution.

For UCD annual fees range from 5k to 15k for EU students so that’s not exactly a draconian burden seeing as the higer cost courses qualify doctors and Vets - typically high earners. If they come out and are earning they should be in a position to pay off the fee loan they’ve accumulated - over a reasonable time. I’m sure it’s not rocket science to devise a fair scheme for this but it should not be ruled out on principle.

The grants do need reform, that is a fair point. It is a fact that “free” fees have had no impact on the background(I’m not using the social classes so as not to cause offence…) of those attending university. Of far greater influence is the primary and secondary education that students receive.

If the government row back based on yesterday then they’re an even bigger shower of cunts than previously thought.

Come off it Farmer… either you, or they, are shite talking here… Every college has been plugging this for weeks if not months. This is the 2nd march in 3 years and I think everyone is aware as to the ‘why’ at this stage.

To be honest CM I wasn’t really listening to what they were saying - I was… distracted.

Students probably need a dose of reality all the same to get them to appreciate how privileged they are to be allowed swan around until they are 23 or 24. Its not that long ago since 12 was the age you joined the workforce and even less since 15 was the

It’s also a massive drain on the economy to have hundreds of thousands of these characters out of the workforce and not paying tax until they are 25. It’s no wonder the pension system is crocked. Instead the State is paying masses of money to have these fuckers study leisure management in ITs up and down the country. They should close down hf of these jokeshop courses and put these people working on public works projects.


Who wants to organise a vigilante group and storm all colleges in the country and burn some students?

What a load of complete and utter shite. Out of the workforce? There’s half a million of a workforce ready to rumble who can’t get work. You want to take people out of the education system where they’re upskilling to drive the knowledge economy forward in the future and put them on the dole? Or digging drains to nowhere? Why don’t you put the people on the dole to work? They’re costing a fortune every week for no return. Ah shur let everyone leave school at 15 and work as a boner in a meat factory see how far the economy gets. Maybe scrap the education budget entirely, don’t let fellas learn how to read and write, have em cleaning storm drains on the sides of the road instead. :rolleyes:

You got in a huff the other day when I posted a pic of a vigilante group pulling off a minor attack on the twin towers

and the whole point of educating people is so that one day when they grow up they will contribute to the state coffers by paying taxes. The better the education they get, the more chance of them paying higher taxes. Of course, now that the state has just put through the most qualified generation in the history of the State but left them with a bankrupt nation and a pensions timebomb. are they instigating scheme to keep their most talented - are they fuck - happy to see them exported so they can enrich other countries and so the cycle continues.

the current low level fees havent had much impact fair enough but landing students with debt will only increase the divide. one of the few great things about Ireland is the amount of young people that stay in education, travel and have a good view of the world. when I go home and meet the younger lads from around its all about going to college, getting the points, having the craic fair enough but everyone wants to get through too. That is a good thing even back 5 years ago lads who could easily have gone to college were off laying blocks for the easy money and are now screwed. If we want more Stoke on Trent’s welfare trap shitholes by all means plough ahead with increased fees while subsidising the cost of private rugby school types who didnt even attend state secondary school

Upskilling my hairy hole. The majority of courses these characters are on are a complete and utter waste. Hotel
Management, Recreation and Sport Management, Culinary Arts. Ffs. How can you justify paying people to study this crap in a third level institution and then paying people top dollar to teach them this crap. It would cost less to have them on the dole. And if they cleared a few storm drains then so much the better.

and the whole point of educating people is so that one day when they grow up they will contribute to the state coffers by paying taxes. The better the education they get, the more chance of them paying higher taxes. Of course, now that the state has just put through the most qualified generation in the history of the State but left them with a bankrupt nation and a pensions timebomb. are they instigating scheme to keep their most talented - are they fuck - happy to see them exported so they can enrich other countries and so the cycle continues.

Really don’t agree with this. I don’t think education is for contributing to the state coffers, i believe its about personal development.

Neither do i believe that the present generation is the most qualified, they have pieces of paper, but many are qualified to do sqat diddly.

I agree though that they need to be identifying the best graduates, and trying to entice them into becoming our decision makers.

Well said caoimhaoin. We are paying out a fortune to have lads marking time in colleges and when they come out they are qualified to do fuck all.

Protestors have thrown eggs and cheese at Minister for Health Mary Harney’s car as she arrived at the Mid Western Regional Hospital in Nenagh.

The minister was at the Tipperary hospital to open a new endoscopy unit.

The protestors said the unit is irrelevant due to what they describe as the ‘ongoing downgrading of the hospital’.

The minister’s car was pelted with eggs and cheese by the group of about 30 people.

Last week, the minister was hit with red paint as she turned the sod at a mental health centre in Dublin.

Omelette time.

I prefer a flan.

Ah you do yeah yeah you do but no, no you don’t no but ah you do yeah yeah yeah.