Liam Gallagher Appreciation Thread

That was top tonight apart from a few McGregories swapping digs

Great gig, the place was absolutely bouncing.

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Copious amounts of cocaine will do that.

were there many plastic hooligan types at it?

Were you in for when they banged out I am the Resurrection on the tannoy? Place was going mental.

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It was unreal.



Shades of COYBIG type crowd at this with the retro jerseys and bucket hats.

You’d wanna see the state of the jacks pal


Dude, it is NOT cool to take a picture of lads pissing

Surprised the COYBIG crowd didn’t go in and mop it up, or the CITEH fans didn’t trash it.

New Zealand rugby and the Dubs draw the line at sweeping out the toilet sheds

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That is very skillfully done in fairness

Depends how much he cropped the top of it…

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It’s more the traps than the urinals that are @cowpat’s specialist subject, but nice of you to think of him all the same

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@rocko can we merge this thread with the Noel thread please

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