Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

The Sunday Game showed a few clips of the runs of Gillane and Flanagan where they were almost bunched and a split second before the ball is delivered one shoots off towards the wing. Nothing revolutionary but a world away from Seanie Tobin and Mull watching balls drop out of the sky

I didnt know they were from Laois heritage.


Kinnerk is a genius.

Not sure if these are accurate

Graham Mul standing out a mile in the Full Forward line!

Program weights and heights are generally nonsense

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This could kick of the Graeme mul height debate again.

Why do programs need the height and the weight on them anyway? :smiley:

is it a peculiarity of the GAA?

Standard enough for all sports I’d say.

I went looking there and came across this -

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - Interesting. League of Ireland players are fitter than Elite Hurlers and Footballers in almost every metric

Soccer players were found to posses significantly lower levels of body fat (p<0.05) in comparison to both hurlers and footballers. Footballers were also found to have significantly lower body fat levels compared to hurlers (p<0.05). Soccer players had significantly greater Vo2 max values than both footballers and hurlers. Soccer players were found to possess greater flexibility levels for the sit and reach test than hurlers (p<0.05), while they also had greater hamstring flexibility in the straight leg raise than footballers, while hurlers also had greater hamstring flexibility than footballers (p<0.05)

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We’ve a huge half back line but our FB line this year would be a lot smaller only for injuries.

Sure that’s obvious. The fitness for soccer is miles and miles ahead of hurling. I’d imagine the average Gaelic football team is much fitter than a hurling team.

Aaron Kernan was on ‘The Toughest‘ that TV programme.

He was over training with Sunderland 23s and he was way off the fitness that they required when he was doing the fitness tests.

The duration of a soccer game probably calls for a greater level of endurance than hurling, which looks to be more and more about short burst energy.

Soccer players play WAY more often too

They had Will O’Donoghue at 6’2 and 13st5. Maybe when he was 15

We’d a senior intercounty player with us years ago in the soccer. He was conditioned for 65-70 max. As soon as the 70th minute hit in the soccer you may as well give him the curly finger. the body was just gone

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This is what I don’t get.

You’ve lads playing well into their 30’s at the soccer - they play for 90 minutes 50 or 60 times a year.
Hurlers - bar the genetic freaks seem to peak in their 28-30 range. Very few are going into their mid 30’s - the legs seem to go and they play way less

I suppose when the soccer is your only income you’ll push through whatever barriers are there

The big issue is rest. Working full time and being an elite level athlete don’t usually mix.

That is definitely a factor - also I think young lads are traditionally flogged at elite level with the colleges, schools, county, club etc at multiple different age levels and often in winter - and the better younger lads are thrown in against physically developed lads young (or used to be)

A lot of load too young and a lot of it in the winter which would be a slog on the joints and ligaments