Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

The stick work is overlooked as itā€™s so good. I think lot of it is to do with watching on tv. Itā€™s just not the same as being there.

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Harsh words from the Limerick men, eaten bread etc

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Tom is being a crank for the sake of it. Lave him offā€¦

Disappointing to see a legend being turnt on.

What makes him a gobshite is that heā€™s a loudmouth, talks shite, and is arrogant as fuck despite and always blaming everyone else and taking no responsibility himself being a failure of a manager.

I think itā€™s more to do with the methodical build up. Lads of a certain vintage know nothing other than flaking the ball as far as they can. They much prefer the 50-50 ball driven a hundred yards rather than a raft of short, snappy passes before a point from 50/60 yards out.

The same was said of Cork 04/05, the possession based game drives some lads demented.

Limerickā€™s ability to play and receive pinpoint hurley passes under pressure is exceptional. For every time it breaks down it comes off 9 or 10 times over.


Tom Ryan is a legend. He gave great service to Limerick as a player & manager


He never letā€™s us forget it either

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Misery loves company

I donā€™t get that one? I know the saying but not the relevance

Tom loves the attention. Hes loves the limelight. In the midst of positivity, Tom will always go for the negative just to be seen to do so.

Told you they would be rattled

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Agreed the new money fans wouldnā€™t understand.

Iā€™d never deride him the way some lads have done hereā€¦ Itā€™s sickening in a way to see our own turn on him. But youā€™d also have to agree Tom is having a whinge for the sake of it.

Noone with their eyes open doesnā€™t realise that Tom did his bit. He tried to follow the Clare model if the time and to a certain extent it worked. He was also to stubborn for his own good and that stubbornness cost Limerick an all Ireland in 96. While he was primarily a good enough disciplinarian, as a a tactician he was totally useless. After the sending off in 96, Galligan was the ideal man to bring in but Ryan put his own ego ahead of his county and refused. Iā€™ll most certainly give him credit for dragging Limerick out of the doldrums but his egotistical tendencies cost them one if not two all Irelandā€™s and hes had a chip on his shoulder since

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A lot of it is to do with old age as well. Lads tend to glorify the past a lot. They donā€™t like change.

My grand father and his brothers used to harp on about cycling to thurles for these great games in the 40s and 50s going on about how great the hurling was but in reality when you watch the clips itā€™s akin to a bunch of drunk farmers after 10 pints stumbling around the field.

Iā€™ve chatted to a lot of people and they donā€™t like the way hurling has gone. Itā€™s just the way of the world. Itā€™s similar with Loughnane in Clare.

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Funny you should say that, my father who is 75 thought last Sunday was the best Limerick performance he ever witnessed

Watch any of the games on All Ireland goldā€¦ It was woeful stuff for the most part in the 60s-80sā€¦ Shinty more or less.

Personally I felt hurling was a better spectacle a decade ago when the top teams played where possession was valued but not the be all and end all it is today. I enjoy the game of hurling as it is but I do think that the directness and the one on one individual battles and two lads attacking a 50/75/100 yard ball bald headed be it low or high is one of the great and unique spectacles in hurling which is slowly but surely being eroded from the game. I have no real truck with Limerickā€™s style as it plays to their strengths and has delivers consistent performances and would have more issue with the Davy/Derek McGrath default sweeper and short passing for the sake of it/risk averse approach which I think is a blight on the game and falls flat more than it delivers

I think a change to the steps rule to a more time based approach and the benefit of the doubt isnā€™t given to the man when he takes it into contact and a hand pass rule where there has to be two clear motions which is enforced along with the current fitness and skill levels of intercounty players would lead to a far more appeal game to watch.


Hurling didnt really start to move on until probably the mid eighties. Until then it trundle along for better or worse. The first signs if tactics becoming more prevalent started when Galway dabbled with the third midfielder. You can argue whether it worked or not but the real change started to come when Clare made the breakthrough. Bug strong physical men with fitness to go the full 70. They powered their way to two all Ireland. The rest of the country tried to follow suit and truth be told it was Kilkenny that took the Clare temple and took it up a notch. Cork in 04 and 05 brought in the possession game and it worked for two years until Kilkenny came back in 06 and really brought in the hassle and harry game whereby the team in possession was nearly relieved to give it up for a bit of reprieve.
They powered their way to all Irelandā€™s until 15 when the well eventually ran dry.
To me FWIW, Limerick have taken elements of the possession, physical and power game and mixed them together. They have obviously looked at football and taken elements of that as well.
Itā€™s a progression no doubt. There is a lot of talk at the moment as to how they may or may not dominate for the foreseeable future. That may or may not happen. But some team at some stage will take the Limerick model and develop it another notch. That may happen next year or it may take 5 or 6 years, but it will happen